This is how you land 22 Blue Marlin in 2 days in Los Suenos, Costa Rica (with Captain Jose Reyes on the “Miss Behavin”)

And although one of the two days had rain (so they couldn’t fly the drone), the one day of drone footage on this marlin video was top notch.

At the 3:16 mark, it looked like the marlin was going to hit the drone.

And if you have ever flown a drone with a GoPro, you know just how close the marlin really was to that wide lens GoPro camera…Holy smokes!

Great job guys. Looks like an amazing two days of marlin fishing.

A big thanks to Josh Kuder of Tampa for sending in this video. You are the man.

Brooks Kelm, Michael Herd, and HD Perkins = Salt Strong

P.S. – Do you know of a better marlin fishing drone video than this? Then let us know in the comments.

If you have never been fishing before, then I could see how tough it would be to understand why people love fishing so much.

Well here is what you need to know: the love for fishing isn’t just about catching a huge fish every time…or even catching a fish at all.

So why do people fish you ask?

Here are just a few reasons people love fishing:

  1. Camaraderie
  2. To get outside and enjoy nature
  3. To be on or near the water
  4. Adventure
  5. Fishing is a new challenge every time you hit the water
  6. To dream…
  7. The unknown…

In fact, part of the fishing addiction is not knowing what you will catch that day…will it be your new record…will it be a new world record…will you catch a trophy fish…will you catch a fish that you have never caught before…will you catch a fish at all…the unknown always keep anglers coming back.

This famous quote by Henry David Thoreau says is best:

why do people fish

Finally, a huge thanks to Dan DiNicola & Peter Chaibongsai of The Billfish Foundation for putting this amazing video together and reminding us all why we really love to fish.

Amazing job!

Our friend Darcizzle (from Darcizzle Offshore) has been tearing it up lately on the water!

Just a week or so ago we featured her monster Snook (see that video here)…

She also recently posted a huge jack and a nice tarpon…

Our only guess is that ever since Darcizzle did the awesome Google Hangout interview with us (watch it here), that her fishing game has been on fire! (haha. Just kidding. This amazing female angler needs no good luck from us with her skills and passion).

At any rate, in this video Darcizzle is fishing on the bottom using only 20 pound leader (as she wasn’t going for sailfish), and gets an amazing surprise on the other end of her line…

A really nice sailfish (with a ton of energy).

Darcizzle has to be very careful with bringing this fish in, as the 20lb leader could snap at any moment with this large sailfish.

After a great fight (with a lot of great jumps), Darcizzle lands the beautiful sailfish with a “hands-free” release.

Darcizzle Offshore = Salt Strong



This amazing sailfish video was sent in to us by Adam “Redfisk” Fisk, one of the members of Team Rebel Fishing.

And in this video, Adam and his buddy Austin Collins both hook up on nice sailfish at the same time (you will see Austin’s sailfish doing some nice jumps from Adam’s GoPro view), and they even both land their sailfish from their kayaks.

Pretty awesome!

I know that I get pumped anytime that my brother Luke and I double on up on fish from our boat (big or small fish).

I can’t even imagine doubling on nice sailfish from kayaks at the same time.

Great video gents.

Keep em’ coming.

Adam Fisk and Austin Collins = Salt Strong

Just when we thought we had seen it all, someone sends this video in to us…

These anglers apparently caught a nice swordfish, decided to cut open the stomach, and all of a sudden a huge squid (completely intact) pops out!

Wish we knew more details on how these anglers knew something was in the stomach, but this is all we received.

So if you know any more of the details of this giant squid in the swordfish belly, post a comment below.

In the meantime, if you are ever worried about having too large of a bait or lure for a swordfish, think again.

These prehistoric looking fish can swallow anything!

Even huge squid.

Give it a second to upload as this one came directly in from Facebook (below).

Giant Squid inside Swordfish Belly!! Just When You Thought Your Baits Where Too Big?!!!

Posted by Josh Ardis on Monday, August 1, 2011


This is what it looks like when a small tuna on your line turns into a 600lb marlin in the flash of an eye…

And thankfully for all of us, the guys from Hold Your Breath Productions had the cameras rolling and the GoPros engaged, because this was a great video.

Not very often you get to capture the “food chain in action” like this.

In fact, their entire day was pretty amazing I would say.

Dolphins swimming with your boat, catching mahi-mahi, and then landing a 600 pound marlin (after a 2 hour fight) that was supposed to be a little tuna.

Well done gents!

Keep the great videos coming!

Hold Your Breath Productions = Salt Strong


Ever since we posted “Flats Fishing for Black Marlin” a couple of weeks ago, we have received comments asking for more videos of huge fish on the flats…

So for all of you that love seeing huge (and incredibly) rare fish like a black marlin caught on sand flats (using light spinning tackle), this one’s for you.

Definitely adding black marlin flats fishing in Australia to the Salt Strong bucket list.

Australian Black Marlin = Salt Strong

Wouldn’t it be amazing if a teenager could catch a 1,000+ fish and feed hundreds of people with it?

Well it happened recently off of Hawaii!

This is the footage from charter boat Ihu Nui (Hawaiian for “Big Nose”) that 16-year old Kai Rizzuto landed a monster blue marlin from…the beast of a blue marlin weighed 5 times as big as him (1,058 pounds and 14 feet long).

What is crazy is that the largest fish Kai had ever caught before this was 55 pounds!

Talk about leapfrogging to the top.

In fact, this “grander” marlin caught off of Hawaii by Kai might break a record of the first “grander” (a marlin over 1,000 pounds) ever caught by a teenager.

Even though this is a MONSTER blue marlin (that few ever get the chance to catch), it still fell almost 300 pounds short of the world record (which ironically was caught about 10 miles away in Hawaii from where Kai caught his beast).

After fighting the fish for 30 minutes, the marlin ended up dying, but the great news is here is that Kai is giving the tasty and protein rich meat to the local families, which can feed hundreds of people.

In my books, this is a Win-Win.

Kai Rizzuto = Salt Strong

When I first had this video sent to me, I looked at the description, and my first thought was, “This must be a typo”.

It just seemed so tough to imagine seeing a black marlin (or any marlin for that matter) up in the flats of 4 feet of water (or less).

Because when I imagine black marlin, I think of dark blue (and super deep) water.

And when I think of flats fishing, the last thing that comes to mind is seeing a beautiful black marlin cruising through.

But this video proved it all wrong.

Not only are these guys (StripStripe Productions) catching juvenile black marlin on the flats, but they are catching quite a few of them (on fly as well).

Amazing video gents.

Inshore Black Marlin = Salt Strong

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