Contact Salt Strong

Thanks for visiting Salt Strong!

To save you from having to call or send an email, we’re listing answers to some of the most common questions we receive:

How do I log in to my account?

Here are links to the various platforms that require logging in:

  1. Insider Member: There’s a login section at the top of the Insider page where you can log in:
  2. Course Member: If you have purchased a Salt Strong course, then use the login section at the top of the Courses page:

If you’re logged in but can’t access a course that you just recently bought, then you’ll need to log out and then log back in.

If you can’t find your password, then use the Forgot Password feature to customize your password and login:

Note: If you want to cancel your subscription plan, go to the Terms & Conditions page to use the online form.

How long do I have access to a course if I buy it?

All courses provide lifetime access, and you can view all of the tutorials on a computer, tablet, or a mobile phone.

Are the courses on DVD?

We’ve found that streaming online videos provide the best results for members because it provides an interactive experience given that you can ask questions and get feedback from us as well as other members of the course.

Plus, we’ll be continually adding new tutorials and updating ones that are currently there as new technology is introduced to the fishing industry and as new topics come up from members that would be a benefit to the course.

In contrast, DVDs are stagnant and lose value over time as topics and recommended equipment gets outdated and you can’t see the very valuable Q&A associated with each tutorial as questions get asked and answered.

Mailing Address:

1505 S. Lake Shipp Dr
Winter Haven, FL 33880




Joe Simonds

President and CEM (Chief Entertainment Maverick)

Luke Simonds

Co-Founder and CFA (Chief Fishing Addict)


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