Why Two Brothers Quit Their 6-Figure Jobs To Change The World Through Fishing…


  • To Unite Friends & Families Through Fishing
  • To Serve Fishermen
  • To Honor God & Jesus Christ In Everything We Do

The Salt Strong Vision:

To create the most trusted saltwater fishing community in America.


We EQUIP fishermen to catch MORE saltwater inshore fish through real-time on-demand fishing reports, tactics, trends, and a tight-knit fishing insider community of fishing coaches and fellow anglers helping anglers so they can create more memories with their loved ones & family members out on the water.


Because we truly believe that the world would be a better place if every man, woman, and child had the opportunity to fish. More fishing means more kids outside, more families creating unforgettable memories together, and many more generations of anglers to love and protect our waterways and fisheries.

The Salt Strong Call To Arms

The Salt Strong Vision (2030)

How Salt Strong Was Born

The entire Salt Strong MOVEMENT began with a simple blog and a YouTube page.

And after much debate on what fishing tips we should film first, we finally agreed to start with the one thing that all fishermen must have…

STRONG fishing knots.

After months of testing all kinds of different fishing knots, Luke was shocked that many of the knots he had been using for years (like the Uni knot) weren’t actually the strongest.

Here’s one of the very first knot videos (the FG knot) that really put Salt Strong on the map as a leader in knot tying videos.

Note: You can see all of our fishing knot contests here

The Salt Strong Music Video

The next video that helped “make Salt Strong famous – at least locally” was a music video we did with Hunter Smith from the band, Jill’s Cashbox.

It was wild how it all happened.

My friend Sara Michaels from 97 Country called me one day and told me that I had to hear this song from a fishing captain named Capt. John Gunter.

I checked it out and instantly loved it.

It was more of a bass fishing song to start, but I contacted John and he agreed to sell us the rights to his awesome song. The next thing you know Hunter had transformed it into more of a saltwater song, which quickly became the Salt Strong Anthem

You’ve got to check out “Fishing In Our Soul” below.

How Salt Strong Became Legend

(Catching A Snook From A 3rd Floor Balcony)

We were now two full years into the Salt Strong movement, and the company was growing pretty fast.

At the time, we had already helped thousands of fishermen catch more fish in less time, we had helped one guy go from being a complete saltwater fishing newbie (he had never caught a single saltwater fish) to going PRO in just two years (so we knew what we were teaching was working), and our Insider Fishing Club was really starting to grow.

And then it happened… a video that would bring MILLIONS of new eyeballs to us in just a few days.

While we were in a business meeting, I couldn’t help but notice a snook about 100 feet away from the 3rd-floor balcony we were on.

A few casts later, Luke actually caught the snook!

All kinds of media and news outlets picked it up (it was even on the home page of The Weather Channel), and now we can’t go to any fishing event without someone asking us if we’ve caught any more fish from balconies…


The Salt Strong Insider Club

“Catch More Fish Or It’s FREE” Guarantee!

Finally, I mentioned earlier that we help fishermen catch 5X more fish through our online fishing courses and our exclusive fishing community.

If you want to:

  • Maximize your time on the water
  • Find and catch more fish (faster than ever before)
  • Become more CONFIDENT and finding feeding zones like a pro
  • Gain the FREEDOM to catch fish on your lunchbreak…
  • Have more FUN while out fishing

Then please click here to learn about our exclusive Salt Strong Insider Club.

And don’t forget to check out all of our proven fishing courses.

Click here to see all of our available online fishing courses

What Does Salt Strong Stand For?

If you are wondering what we stand for (along with a little more WHY we took such a risk to start Salt Strong), then you’ve got to check out our Core Beliefs.

They’ve become the guiding light for our company.

Click here to read our “Core Beliefs

Salt Strong: Family. Freedom. Fishing.

Join the Insider Club today (click here to apply)


Do what the “SMART ANGLERS” are doing and join the Insider Club.

Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:

Meet The Salt Strong Team

Joe Simonds

The Ringleader

Luke Simonds

Chief Fishing Addict

Tony Acevedo

Fishing Coach

Carrol Bennett

Sr VP of Operations and Logistics

Kristan Sheffield

Operations Manager

Kaley Henderson

Customer Service Lead

Kevin Barberena

Shipping Associate

Corey Gatlin

Shipping Lead

Cameron Kanner

Influencer & Affiliate Marketing Lead

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