Our main mission here at Salt Strong is “Creating and Sharing Memories that Matter” through the act of fishing.

And it would be tough to find a video that better portrays that mission than this one from our friends at Lunkerdog / The Mullet Run. In what could be one of the coolest acts of kindness on the water, Captain Jeff Maggio (aka Lunkerdog) is hooked up with a nice tarpon, and instead of fighting it himself, he gives a random guy on the nearby seawall the chance to reel in this prized fish.

Creating a memory for this guy from the seawall that he won’t ever forget.

Well played Captain Jeff! We are certain this “Lunkerdog Tarpon Handoff” will come back to you ten-fold. Hopefully in the form of a new fishing glove for starters…

Captain Jeff = Reel Guy = Salt Strong

Our friend Darcizzle (from Darcizzle Offshore) had a heartbreaker after fighting a nice tarpon in Big Pine Key, FL with Captain Kevin of Relentless Charters.

Shortly after hooking into the nice tarpon, it began pulling Darcizzle near a sailboat, made a few jumps, took her through a bridge, and ultimately tried to wrap itself around a huge concrete pylon.

Hated to see the fish pop the hook at the final hour, but an amazing fight through it all. And that is why it is called fishing and not catching…

Darcizzle = Salt Strong

Yesterday we posted a video about a 6-year old catching a 100-pound tarpon that got liked and shared like crazy all over Facebook (you can see it here).

Fortunately for us, Chip and Captain Jeff Maggio (the two masterminds behind the awesome brand Lunkerdog) follow many of our posts and let us in on one of the coolest birthday surprises a 10-year old could ever get down in Florida…

Not only does this 10-year old kid get to spend a day fishing with Captain Jeff, but he also gets to land a thick 150lb tarpon after a two hour fight (that lasted well past the sun going down).

What an experience for that kid that will never be forgotten. Quite different than a birthday event at Chuck E. Cheese…

Thanks for sharing Chip!

Captain Jeff = Salt Strong


If you love catching snook and permit, then you will appreciate every minute of this “Snook and Permit Fishing Heaven” video filmed in Mexico.

If this doesn’t want to make you grab a fly rod and head for the border, then nothing will!

Great job Outdoor Hub and Casa Blanca Fly Fishing Lodge in Yucatan, Mexico.

We hope to be there in the near future hooking into some monster inshore fish like this!

These young guys look they are having the time of their lives.

And who can blame them when they are catching so many monster fish out of canoes.

From what we can tell, these young guys come down to Florida from Wisconsin on spring break every year to do some hard-core fishing out of canoes.

And the two quotes in the beginning pretty much sum up this amazing “Extreme Canoe Fishing” video…

“We’re going to need a bigger boat”


“When my parents see this…”

Just wait until you see the all of the large sharks, tarpon (with some awesome slow-mo tarpon shots), barracuda, and jacks that they catch out of their canoes.

Great job of filming, catching, and keeping us entertained guys!

Spring Break Canoe Anglers = Salt Strong

Bonefish are known as one of the tougher fish to catch on the flats.

And after watching this video, I believe that this “bonefish legend” holds true for both man and shark…

You see, this fish are incredibly gifted at camouflaging themselves to blend in with the sandy bottom, they spook incredibly easy, and they are quite fast.

So when this shark saw that a local bonefish was hooked, he decided it might be a quick meal…

However, the bonefish had other plans.

Even while hooked on this angler’s fly line, the bonefish was able to escape the larger, but slower to react shark.

Finally, once the shark sees the angler there, the shark becomes tired of being made to look like a fool on camera, and quickly leaves the scene…

Well done bonefish, and well done angler on helping out the bonefish.

And thanks for sharing Fish along

Hooked Bonefish = Salt Strong


If you have ever caught an inshore fish before, then you know how addicting it can be to go out and do it again…and again…and again…

There is something magical when a fish strikes your line, when the line starts sizzling out, and beating all of the variables you must overcome to land any inshore fish, regardless if you are using a fly reel or a spinning reel…

So when we saw this incredible video by Patrick Rhea of Livit Films (check out our entertaining interview with Patrick here), we had to share it because we knew that you would relate to it.

That you would relate to the “Skinny Water Obsession” of doing anything to find the best fishing spots…

That you would relate to driving hundreds of miles to try new areas…

That you would sacrifice other things in life to be able to wet a line and catch fish.

This is the Skinny Water Obsession, and Patrick did one heck of a job documenting what it feels like.

Skinny Water Obsession = Salt Strong

Ever since we posted “Flats Fishing for Black Marlin” a couple of weeks ago, we have received comments asking for more videos of huge fish on the flats…

So for all of you that love seeing huge (and incredibly) rare fish like a black marlin caught on sand flats (using light spinning tackle), this one’s for you.

Definitely adding black marlin flats fishing in Australia to the Salt Strong bucket list.

Australian Black Marlin = Salt Strong

While we were out fishing with our Wounded Warrior friend Scott Lilley (check out the epic footage from the 4 days fishing with Wounded Warrior Scott here), Scott landed a really nice sea trout.

And while Luke was grabbing the line about to pull up the sea trout, the trout did one last head shake to try to get free…while at the same time…


No joke.

We were fishing with 5″ threadfins, so when we saw this half-digested mullet fly out of the trout’s mouth, we were all a bit stunned.

Another crazy day on the water!

Fortunately for the trout, he was released…although going back to the water a bit lighter…

Mullet-Puking Sea Trout = Salt Strong


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