I’m still not exactly sure what just went down in this video below (because it isn’t in English), but all I know is that I must share this crazy spearfishing footage with you (as I’m pretty sure you are going to like it).

It’s kind of like one of those old Chinese martial arts movies where you can have it on mute and still understand the entire movie… but at the same time walk away wondering, “What the heck did I just see that guy do?”

Here are just a handful of reasons that the Spearfisherman in this video is NUTS:

  1. He is diving in dark caves with a dinky light
  2. He is diving in dark caves all by himself (no dive buddy for any of this footage that I can tell)
  3. He grabs numerous octopuses (or “Octopis” if you are into the brevity thing) with his hands, but then shoots the smallest fish I have ever seen with his spear
  4. At the end, he aims his speargun right near his face just to get a selfie (his GoPro is mounted to his speargun, and in his defense, it appears as though he has some safety mechanisms in place)

Make sure to watch til the very end as he eventually shows off his entire kill for the day. No doubt he ate a lot of octopus that evening (and one very small fish).

I was holding my breath a couple of times during this video (when he was down in the cave, and around the 4:00 mark when the octopus was wrapping itself around the spear-end of the speargun.

Related Video: “Polespearing, Shipwrecks, and the Clearest Blue Water You Have Ever Seen” (watch it here)

P.S. – If you enjoyed this wild spearfishing video, please like and share. You Rock!

Hey divers and anglers, I need your input on this video in regards to your candid thoughts on feeding lionfish (or anything for that matter) to eels and other predatory animals in our oceans.

But first, let me explain who Alex Fogg is if you haven’t been on our site before.

Alex Fogg is “The Ultimate Lionfish Killer”.


He has plucked more lionfish than probably any other human being that owns a wetsuit and a spear.

Here are just a few of his VIRAL Lionfish videos:

Now back to the issue at hand with feeding lionfish to sea animals such as moray eels. Here are the pros and cons of feeding lionfish to ocean predators like this moral eel.


  1. It could teach the moral eel (and other predators) to eventually start eating lionfish on their own, which could help reduce the amount of lionfish in the Gulf and Caribbean.
  2. It is one less invasive lionfish.


  1. It could teach the moray eel to always expect food anytime it sees a diver.
  2. If fed enough, it could have the moray eel relying more on humans for food than its own natural feeding instincts, which could eventually lead to a starving eel if it forgets how to hunt naturally.

Note: I grew up on a lake in central Florida with a ton of alligators, and the last thing you want to do is feed the gator. Even if you are feeding it a rat or some critter that everyone hates. Does the same thinking apply with lionfish and ocean predators? You decide.

So the big question is: Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be feeding moray eels, sharks, barracuda, or any other predatory fish, mammal, or animal out in the wild?

Would love to hear your comments.

PS – Share with someone else you think might have an opinion on this topic. Thank you!

Let’s face it, you either love spearfishing or you hate it.

And what I have found is that many of the spearfishing “nay-sayers” don’t realize just how much love and respect for the ocean that the vast majority of spearfishing enthusiasts have (of course there are some bad apples just like in any sport).

For instance, most people don’t realize that while spearfishing, you pass up WAY more fish than you shoot at. Not to mention, anything you shoot at, you plan on eating. Unfortunately, spearfishing videos like the one below can give just the opposite illusion to people that have never been spearfishing by making it appear as though every single dive down someone is shooting something (which couldn’t be further from the truth).

Of course this false myth will likely to continue forever because no one wants to see a video where a spearfisherman makes 20 dives down before ever seeing something to shoot.

What I also liked about this video, is that in the first minute, I could have just as easily named this video “The Ultimate Salt Life Compilation” as there is some amazing underwater footage, beach footage, surfing footage, and more.

Great job Youngblood Spearfishing. Good to see you back on our home page after your first video went VIRAL called, “Whale Sharks, Spearfishing, Lobster, Surf, and Bikinis” (watch it here next)

Related Spearfishing Video: “Polespearing, Shipwrecks, and Crystal Blue Water” (watch it here)

P.S. – If you enjoyed this video, please share it with a friend. Pow!

Holy Baitball!

This is pretty awesome underwater footage by the Undersea Hunter Group of a Dolphin mom showing her young how to hunt off of the Cocos Islands (small island owned by Australia). And by the looks of this ball of bait, this constitutes an “All You Can Eat Buffet” for any dolphin.

And although this feeding isn’t as ferocious of a feeding on a baitball as the Giant Trevally that attacked that pod of bait on the beach (watch that video here), it is still pretty incredible footage of mother nature at its finest nonetheless.

You can see the dolphin mom take a swipe at the bait (showing her baby) at the :17 mark.

Also take notice of the other apex predators feeding off of this huge baitball like Galapagos sharks, blacktip reef sharks, yellowfin tuna and jacks.

If you liked this video, please like and share it with your friends. You Rock!

A little over a month ago, we put out a video on our home page from 13-time World Record Spearfishing “Champion” Cameron Kirkconnell that went somewhat Viral called “Pole Spearing a Monster Predator Fish” (you can watch that video here).

And no offense to that video (as it was freaking awesome), but this other polespear fishing video below that Cameron Kirkconnell and Perrin James (of Last Breath Films) created is pretty unbeatable.

In this epic polespear fishing video, Cameron takes another one of his exclusive dive trips with some clients (this time in the Bahamas), and they pretty much do it all.

Shipwrecks, sharks, spears stingrays, you name it (even if it doesn’t start with an “S”)

P.S. – If the music in this video sounds familiar, it’s because it is the same artist (Glass Animal) that was in the Super-Viral fishing video “Helpless Tarpon Rescued by Dead Jack Decoy in Florida Keys” (watch that video here)

P.P.S. – If you think your angler, diver, or spearfishing friends would find this video amazing, please share it with them – I’d really appreciate it.

Darcizzle (from Darcizzle Offshore) is back!

And this time she is taking her fishing skills underwater as she goes spearfishing with the FAU Spearfishing Team down in the Florida Keys.

If you missed the last few Darcizzle videos, here are a few of our favorites:

Otherwise, enjoy this latest video fromDarcizzle as she and the FAU crew catch lionfish, snapper, and a big kingfish.

P.S. – If you think your friends would like this video, please share it with them – I’d really appreciate it

The other day we posted a video that went Viral with nurse sharks in a feeding frenzy up on a dock. It was called, “This is what happens when you treat Nurse Sharks like Dogs” (watch it here).

In that video, you can see some of the tamest nurse sharks out there.

However, in this video, you see just the opposite… as this nurse shark aggressively attacks a lionfish shortly after smelling blood from the diver’s knife stab.

And even though nurse sharks don’t have gnarly teeth like a bull shark, they can still leave a nasty reminder on your arm or hand that you definitely don’t want to be bitten by a nurse.

This diver is lucky that he pulled his hand away just in time, as it was inches from getting nailed. Check it out below.

P.S. – If you think your friends would enjoy this video, please share it with them – I’d really appreciate it

Just when you thought you had seen it when it comes to Grouper videos, this video of a Grouper hitting a diver right where it counts…

And it’s around the 41-second mark… you’ll know when you see it, as you can see him quickly go into the “I’ve been hit” position…

You can even hear his dive partner laughing after it happens. I guess I can’t blame him, because if this happened to Luke (the other Salt Strong founder) while I was diving, I imagine I would be laughing pretty hard as well.

This Grouper bashing occurred down in Cozumel, and Steve “Buddha” Lee is the unlucky diver that got a surprise when he went to open his feeding bag.

Related video: Goliath Grouper Noodling (watch it here)

If you think your friends would find this video as funny as I did, please share it with them – I’d really appreciate it

We have seen Octopus do some pretty crazy things on video.

A couple of months ago we saw an Octopus chase a crab in a deadly attack (watch that video here).

And back in January, we saw an Octopus make a wild escape from a boat (watch that video here).

But this Octopus took it to a whole new level by hiding from predators in a beer bottle. Seems like a great place to me, but I would love to know how this octopus got himself into the bottle in the first place.

I won’t ruin the escape for you, let’s just say this octopus is a beer-loving chameleon.

P.S. – If you think your friends would find this octopus video cool, please share it with them – I’d really appreciate it

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