Did you see that great Super Bowl commercial about “throwing like a girl” and “running like a girl”?

It was a hard hitting commercial (especially for a father like me with two daughters), and the producers really nailed it on the head.

But the one thing they should have followed it up with was this video of Deidra Bridger (first mate with Captain Bo Johnson) pulling in this Goliath Grouper by hand!

What a rock star of a girl!

I don’t know how long it took her to land this Goliath Grouper, but one thing I do know for sure…

Deidra Bridger = Salt Strong

Related Video: “Two Girls Tag Team 300lb Goliath Grouper” (watch it here)

Well just when I thought I’ve seen everything, this shark wrestling video shows a 9 ft shark getting suplexed.

Capt. Bo Johnson is the wild man to pull off this feat with a big lemon shark that his group caught on a grass flat.

P.S. – This shark wrestling move is certainly not something that should be tried by anyone else (unless you have really good life insurance in place…)

This video is a bit unlike the rest on our site because it grabbed our attention due to the awesome release, encounter, and the ending of the story.

Sadly, this young humpback whale was caught in a commercial fishermen’s net in the Sea of Cortez.

Luckily a stand up group of ocean lovers took a risk to free the humpback all by themselves.

I won’t ruin the ending, but let’s just say it is pretty amazing.

Either the humpback was really excited about the guy in the speedo…or it really was thanking the humans for their kindness with an aerial show that would put Shamu to shame.

As if spearfishing monster Wahoo isn’t cool enough, try doing it with swarms of sharks.

And before you start watching the first 45 seconds wondering where the sharks are, just wait…

At one point, it looked like every shark in the area showed up to see if they could get a free meal.

Watch these guys defend their catch amongst swarming sharks. Definitely some close encounters. These guys are studs and so are the huge Wahoo they are spearing.

When I first saw the title of this video on YouTube, “Enormous Goliath Grouper Caught Using A Handline“, I assumed that it must be some kind of joke (or just an average size grouper).

I also thought in the back of my head as I hit the play button on the video that if it really is a Goliath Grouper being caught by hand, then it must be a huge NFL lineman looking dude.

Boy was I wrong on all fronts.

Not only did the guy in this video bring up a nice sized Goliath Grouper by hand, he wasn’t a massive looking dude at all.

In fact, he looked like an average sized guy (with Popeye-like Super Mario forearm power).

Note to self…don’t challenge this guy in an arm wrestling match.

Well done Josh of BlacktipH, well done.

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