If you are an inshore angler in Florida, the ultimate catch is a Florida Inshore SUPER Grand Slam, which consists of catching a Permit, Tarpon, Bonefish, Snook, and Redfish.

And there is no place like Florida to do this.

So when we came across this awesome video (with one disturbing clip) from World Angling, we couldn’t help but share.

And yes, there are even some great inshore fishing bloopers in this reel as well.

Warning: If you get nauseous seeing someone crack their head on a boat, you might want to close your eyes about halfway through this video during the blooper reel…OUCH!

But the rest of this video is pretty amazing stuff!

Great job on this Florida Inshore Super Grand Slam!

When I first had this video sent to me, I looked at the description, and my first thought was, “This must be a typo”.

It just seemed so tough to imagine seeing a black marlin (or any marlin for that matter) up in the flats of 4 feet of water (or less).

Because when I imagine black marlin, I think of dark blue (and super deep) water.

And when I think of flats fishing, the last thing that comes to mind is seeing a beautiful black marlin cruising through.

But this video proved it all wrong.

Not only are these guys (StripStripe Productions) catching juvenile black marlin on the flats, but they are catching quite a few of them (on fly as well).

Amazing video gents.

Inshore Black Marlin = Salt Strong

We love learning about the history of fishing here at Salt Strong.

So when we came across this video of the very first marlin ever caught on a fly, we had to share it.

In this old school video footage, Doc Webster (a legendary fly fisherman) and his wife head out off of Baja to attempt to be the very first to catch a marlin on an artificial fly.

After numerous failed attempts of the marlin outflanking Doc (and even a failed boat engine during one of the fights), Doc finally lands his first marlin on a fly.

During this trip, Doc created what is known as the bait and switch method for flyfishing for billfish (you will see this used with Doc and his wife in the video).

Great stuff!

Doc Webster = Salt Strong

Here’s an awesome tarpon hook-up on fly clip that makes we want to immediately drive down to the keys with my most trusted fly rod.

How cool that must have been to see those tarpon tailing on that flat! The school was bearing down on them and the caster did a great job at getting his fly in front to entice a bite.

Although the tarpon got away before getting to the boat, it was still an great accomplishment.

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