Well just when I thought I’ve seen everything, this shark wrestling video shows a 9 ft shark getting suplexed.

Capt. Bo Johnson is the wild man to pull off this feat with a big lemon shark that his group caught on a grass flat.

P.S. – This shark wrestling move is certainly not something that should be tried by anyone else (unless you have really good life insurance in place…)

Here’s an awesome tarpon hook-up on fly clip that makes we want to immediately drive down to the keys with my most trusted fly rod.

How cool that must have been to see those tarpon tailing on that flat! The school was bearing down on them and the caster did a great job at getting his fly in front to entice a bite.

Although the tarpon got away before getting to the boat, it was still an great accomplishment.

After getting skunked in the freshwater streams of the smoky mountains during the holidays, I really needed a confidence boost… so I had to get back into my hometown saltwater.

A few days after returning home there was light west winds and sunny skies. With an hour to spare, I re-rigged the fly rod and decided to wade out on one of my favorite flats in the banana river. The water has cleared up considerably in the last month and it was so nice to stalk along the open water flats without trees and cliffs in my way! After landing a solid trout within the first few minutes I knew I was back home (and still remembered how to fish)!

trout catch2

trout catch

The next day I broke up a redfish threesome and sight fished the stud out of the group. It is so nice to be back in the salt and living on the east coast of central Florida!

redfish on flat

redfish from grassflat


This report was submitted by a new Salt Strong member, Robert Smith.

Strong performance, Robert. Stay Salty and Fish On!

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