Did you see that great Super Bowl commercial about “throwing like a girl” and “running like a girl”?

It was a hard hitting commercial (especially for a father like me with two daughters), and the producers really nailed it on the head.

But the one thing they should have followed it up with was this video of Deidra Bridger (first mate with Captain Bo Johnson) pulling in this Goliath Grouper by hand!

What a rock star of a girl!

I don’t know how long it took her to land this Goliath Grouper, but one thing I do know for sure…

Deidra Bridger = Salt Strong

Related Video: “Two Girls Tag Team 300lb Goliath Grouper” (watch it here)

If you were diving down on a reef and came across a Goliath Grouper  for the very first time, your first thought would most likely be that it looked big, slow, and lazy…

But then you see a video like this where you can see just how much stealth they have when they are ready to eat…

Not to mention, it wasn’t like it just took a bite out of some small ladyfish, this was a 4ft shark we are talking about!

If you can ignore the shaky camera in the first 20 seconds, this video turns out pretty cool.

Goliath Grouper = Salt Strong

If you have ever had the opportunity to fish for Goliath Grouper, you know that they don’t come up easy most of the time.

These Goliath Grouper are massive fish with massive strength, and have even pulled numerous anglers in the water while trying to reel up the beast of a fish.

Not to mention, these monstrous fish usually have structure below them where they like to wedge themselves to make it almost impossible to get them up without breaking off or running out of steam.

So when we saw this small gal muscling up a nice Goliath Grouper, we had to post it.

This goes out to all of the men that have been pulled in the water by a Goliath Grouper…

Luke and I have enjoyed watching legendary (and pretty darn entertaining) Captain Blair Wiggins of Addictive Fishing on TV for a very long time.

So when Kevin of Addictive Fishing sent us over this awesome Addictive Fishing video from the “Tortuga fishing files” last night, we were pretty freakin’ stoked.

In this engaging (and impossible to stop watching) fishing expedition that takes place off a deep fishing ledge in the Dry Tortugas (Florida Keys), Captain Blair and Captain Chris Trosset hook up with tons of yellowtail snapper, and some MONSTER black and red grouper.

You will learn how to properly fish a chum line, you will learn some of the best tips to catch keeper Yellowfin Snapper, and you will learn what a “Mang-y” is.

At the end of the video, Blair even shows you all of the gear they used throughout the fishing trip in his “Rig it Right” update.

Blair, Chris, and the fishing team on the 61′ (Starbrite) Viking were fishing in about 100 feet of water near sharp ledges in the Florida Keys for 3 days.

Thanks again Kevin and Blair for sharing with our audience!

Keep up the great work, and Fish On!

When I first saw the title of this video on YouTube, “Enormous Goliath Grouper Caught Using A Handline“, I assumed that it must be some kind of joke (or just an average size grouper).

I also thought in the back of my head as I hit the play button on the video that if it really is a Goliath Grouper being caught by hand, then it must be a huge NFL lineman looking dude.

Boy was I wrong on all fronts.

Not only did the guy in this video bring up a nice sized Goliath Grouper by hand, he wasn’t a massive looking dude at all.

In fact, he looked like an average sized guy (with Popeye-like Super Mario forearm power).

Note to self…don’t challenge this guy in an arm wrestling match.

Well done Josh of BlacktipH, well done.

In this awesome video on how to catch a Goliath Grouper, Captain Ben Chancey and Joshua Jorgensen take out Johan Ruhe for a fun and intense day of fishing for monster Goliath Grouper and a few sharks.

I don’t recall ever seeing a fishing hole with so many active Goliath Grouper right off the boat.

If you stick around towards the end of the video, the gang tells you exactly what gear, hooks, line, etc. that they use to catch these Goliath Grouper.

You will even get to see Captain Ben Chancey of Chew of This go “Man Style” with no harness as he teaches all of the girly-men how to catch a Goliath Grouper.

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