Holy Extreme Cobia Spearfishing!!!

After thousands of people saw our friend Joey Antonelli take a bite to the family jewels by a triggerfish (you can see that viral video here), he has had numerous redemption videos to make up for it.

But this has to be his best video yet.

Just wait until you see what happens at these two marks:

3:10 mark

4:08 mark

Not only do these guy spear cobia off the backs of bull sharks, but they have some pretty close encounters with the sharks as well.

Now I don’t know about you, but when I am freediving, the two things that I want to see the least of are as follows:

  1. Bull Sharks
  2. Lots of blood in the water

Yet, this video is full of both.

Amazing job to all of the divers in this video (Matt Budd, Taylor Heflin, Scott Fricker, and Joey Antonelli)

You guys are officially nuts!

And stay tuned until the very end as they even shoot a flounder from the boat!


Related Video: “This Is How You Spear Cobia Off The Backs Of Bull Sharks Like A Pro!” (watch it here now)

redfish strong performance fishing shirt

P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Nurse sharks aren’t known for being the most aggressive sharks in the sea by any sense of the imagination…

Although don’t tell that to this angler who had a juvenile nurse shark latch on to his groin area (watch that video here)

But every once in a while these docile sharks get riled up and make a move on a diver or a spearfisherman.

In this case, it appeared as though a few scuba divers were doing their thing (blowing bubbles and taking footage of reefs), when this nurse shark decided it did not want to be on camera.

Fortunately, diver Dan Riley was able to get his camera back (hence, the footage you can see below) as the nurse shark ended up spitting out the GoPro when it realized it wasn’t a tasty meal.


Related Video: “This Is What Happens When You Treat Nurse Sharks Like Dogs!” (you can watch it here)

strong angler performance fishing shirt

P.S. – If you think your friends or networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

It’s not every day you see a shark attack on video that you can laugh about, but this one is pretty funny.

It appears that a juvenile nurse shark (which have been known to bite down and not let go) latched itself on to this guys upper leg, and it took two men to finally pry it off.

The guy is just lucky the shark wasn’t a few inches in the other direction… could have been much more painful (like this video where a triggerfish bites a diver right where it counts…)

Fortunately for the man that was “bit” by a nurse shark in the video below, he only suffered a nice welt and some slight humiliation of having his family and friends laugh at him.

What do want to make a bet that this shark went back to his shark friends and claimed he ate the guy’s leg…


Important Note: Although the shark swam off safely, we do NOT advise throwing sharks (or any fish) like the guy in the video did.

Related Video: “This Is What Happens When A Triggerfish Gets The Ultimate Revenge On A Diver. OUCH!!!” (watch the video here)

P.S. – If you think your friends or networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Fact: There is such thing as being “Salt Strong” out on the water, and then there is such thing as being SUPER Salt Strong…

As you will see below in the video, this extreme angler named Manuel from the documentary “The Sharkcallers Of Kontu” is SUPER Salt Strong.

Heck, I think he is actually off the charts Salt Strong…

Now if you ever thought catching a shark from the beach was hard work, try going out off the coast of New Guinea in a small outrigger canoe with nothing but some a paddle, some noisemakers, a bat, and a large dose of courage…

And if you ever wanted to know how to catch sharks by hand, this is how it is done.

Pretty nuts.

No wonder they call this guy the “Sharkcaller”.

Here is quick note about “The Sharkcallers of Kontu” if you have never seen it:

“The Sharkcallers of Kontu depicts the ancient tradition of shark calling in the village of Kontu, on the remote west coast of New Ireland in Papua New Guinea. There are only a few men remaining who use magic to call, trap and kill sharks by hand from their small outrigger canoes.”


Warning: This may be graphic for small children, sharks, and vegans

Related Video: “This Is How You Land Slob 43-inch Snook From One Of The Snookiest Piers In Florida Like A BOSS!”

snook fishing juno beach pier

P.S. – If you think your angler friends and networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Fish On.

Imagine enjoying a nice day on the beach with your family in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida when all of a sudden you see someone with a fishing pole reeling in a monster 13ft Hammerhead Shark right where you were just swimming…

As you can imagine, this scene created some chaos from onlookers at this Ft. Lauderdale beach, and I can only imagine that no one was going back in the water in that area anytime soon (even though it would have been just as safe as before, and that hammerhead certainly went as far away from that place as he could…)

Either way, it certainly made the day unforgettable for the beachgoers that got to see this!

It was a great job on the release (especially considering all of the mayhem behind them), and beach lovers shouldn’t be too worried about sharks like this coming up into the shallows where they are swimming.

For instance, this huge hammerhead shark was hooked hundreds of feet away from the beach while on the pier, and large hammerheads like this rarely come in the shallows of the beach.

Note: The anglers in the video are known as the Infinity Fishing Team.

Related Video: “Watch This 13ft Tiger Shark vs Scared Diver!”

tiger shark encounter

P.S. – If you think your friends would like to see this video, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Enjoy and Fish On!

I almost missed it…

I was watching this video on my phone while eating breakfast this morning, and as I looked up to hear the microwave go off (for my oatmeal), I took my eyes away from the screen for just a couple of seconds…

And when I looked back down at my screen there was a massive shark attacking the heck out of the wahoo!


What an amazing video!

I bet these guys at Excel Sportfishing had no idea they were going to capture this on film!

Check it out below.

Make sure to watch until the very end!

And the SUSPENSE leading up to the “Wild Moment” is well worth it as well. Crazy how many different sport fish made an appearance coming up and checking out the lure.

Who else wants to go hit up this fishing spot!

Make sure to Tag or Share this with an angler friend! This one is just too good not to share.

Big thanks to Nic Turner of Hawaii for sending this in to us.

Note: You must have a Facebook account (and be logged in as yourself, not a business page) to view this.

Excel Sportfishing – Water Wolf videoAnyone that’s been on the troll, knows that exciting moment when the jig gets hit, the reel starts to scream and everyone yells “HOOK UP!!!!”. To get to that moment, all you know or have seen is that you simply put out that troll jig as it disappears into the prop wash as you hope and wait.You never really know how the jig is swimming, how many fish come in and take a quick peek, the near misses, etc. Well now you have your answer.We have been fortunate enough to have been using Water Wolf cameras for some time now and have compiled a quick video for everyone to see just what they’ve been missing. Okuma Fishing USAEnjoy!

Posted by Excel Long Range Sportfishing on Thursday, December 3, 2015

Did BlacktipH just beat his own top-ranked Mullet Run Footage from last year?

Either way, you’ve got to see this!

So earlier this year we posted some “Florida Mullet Run” footage from our friend Blacktiph that was the best we had ever seen… (you can view it here)

In fact, we went as far as challenging anyone to send us mullet run footage that could beat it.

And over the last 6 months that Mullet Run footage continued to be shared and viewed like crazy (to the tune of over 13,000 Facebook Like and Shares from Salt Strong viewers alone)…

During that time frame, no angler or videographer has been able to match the amazing footage from that video…

Until today…

Ironically, it was none other than BlacktipH himself that beat his own video footage!

Check out this unbelievable South Florida Mullet Run footage that he just uploaded to his BlacktipH YouTube channel.

Is this the best Florida Mullet Run footage of all time?

Let us know what you think in the comments.

Note: If you aren’t a Florida saltwater angler and have no idea what the Mullet Run is, it occurs when mullet start heading south on Florida’s east coast when water temperatures begin to drop. These migrating mullet are headed south to warmer water and where grasses and algae grow during the winter.

And once they reach the south point of Florida, the sexually mature fish head offshore and breed in the Gulf Stream where the fertilized eggs catch a move northbound with the current, and the mullet cycle starts all over again…

Related Post: “The Craziest Mullet Run Footage Ever Caught On Film!” (watch it here)

P.S. – If you think your friends would like to watch this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Two days ago, a really short (17-second) Great White Shark video went viral that showed a Great White ramming his head into a cage in South Africa at a wild speed.

It was lightning fast, and I can only imagine the guys in the cage were freaking out!

That video had pretty good footage (you can see it here), but it wasn’t really complete as it all happened so fast…

So when I saw this footage from one of the other guys in the same cage that day, I had to share because it raises an important question about diving with sharks…

If you watch the slow-motion clip of the shark coming into the cage you can see that they lured the shark right next to the cage and then swiped the chum fish out of the way at the last second (like a bullfighter would a bull).

Is this just having fun with sharks or is this taking it too far?

For instance, it could be argued that behavior like this is what causes sharks to attack humans… take away the tuna and the only thing the sharks sees in front of him while in attack mode is a human…

Leave us your thoughts.


Related Video: “This Great white Gets Aerial Photobombed By Another Great White On Film!” (watch it here)

P.S. – If you think your friends would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Call me old-fashioned, but the last place that I want to be when chumming for bull sharks is in the water!

I have spent a considerable amount of time under the surface, and only a few sharks really get my attention and cause me to slowly move closer to the boat… and one of them in the bull shark.

That being said, kudos to you brave crazy divers that not only chum for bull sharks while diving, but then get close enough to the bull shark where you can pluck a cobia off its back!


Speaking of nuts, one of the divers in this cobia spearfishing video (and the guy who edited the video – our friend Joey) is also the same diver in the Must-Watch Viral video called, “This Is What Happens When A Triggerfish Gets The Ultimate Revenge On A Diver. OUCH!”


Related Video: “This Is How You Spearfish Cobia Off The Backs Of Bull Sharks!”

P.S. – If you think your angler friends would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

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