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Danny LeBlanc
2 months ago

I can pretty much throw the line like you showed, but I still need to work on my projectors throwing my spin cast. It’s quite annoying when I throw the line in the wind and end up with knots because I didn’t adjust my throwing position. I’ll definitely keep your tips in mind for my next attempt.

Darrell Marchbanks
4 months ago

How do you know what depth to put your trolling motor at? What depth would allow your trolling motor to have the best control of your boat?

Janet Hazlewood
6 months ago

Ok, dumb question, are you holding the line with your finger and releasing it?

Jeffrey Spear
6 months ago


Donald Belair
8 months ago

Silly question, what lure/weight/hook setup do you use to practice in the backyard without getting snagged?

Donald Belair
5 months ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

Thank you, I was wondering the same thing! My casting stinks!

Kimberly Guterman
8 months ago

I see you’re casting from over your left shoulder when showing the initial cast. Is this for better view when explaining or do you cast from over your left shoulder? Thanks!

James Wilson
9 months ago

good information yes the school stuff is close to the same but it reminds me of what to do and not to do i watch them over and over but now it’s time to go fishing good luck out there guys be safe catch the big ones

Jan Arthur Radjeski Radjeski
10 months ago

Thank You Luke for really putting the time into these lessons. I’ve been a fisherman most of my life and still enjoy the lessons as I do find myself going back to old habits and “known fishing spots” sometimes without much success. It’s good you give us another professional option and some great refreshers.

Sam Craparo
10 months ago

Aim small miss small.

Allen Langworthy
10 months ago

Luke, thank you for covering the basics. Always good to re-visit and reinforce past methods learned, if for nothing else just to confirm one got it right the first time. What is your take when using braided line to give the remaining line on the spool a tug after casting? I was under the impression it helped to reduce wind knots by keeping the spooled line compressed on the spool. Also, when finished for the day, to cast out and reel the line back onto the spool though your hand under some resistance for the same reason.

William Brown
10 months ago

I’ve enjoyed the first three lessons. I’ve been fishing a long time, but it’s always good to review the basics. Besides, I enjoy watching the videos, seeing the beautiful scenery out on the water, and watching you catch a fish now and then.