
Recommended Medium Power Lines

Below are some links to the most popular lines used by Insider Club members for all-purpose medium power inshore setups.

Note: Click here to see a lesson on how to spool your medium power combos with braid (start to finish tutorial.

Recommended Medium Heavy Power Lines

Below are some links to the most popular lines used by Insider Club members for all-purpose medium-heavy power inshore setups.

PS – In case you wonder why I don’t use or recommend fluorocarbon line, it’s because I have been completely underwhelmed by it when testing lines. In all instances, regular mono line has proven to be more abrasion resistant than fluorocarbon, and I have not noticed a difference in strikes per hour of fishing when switching back and forth from fluoro to mono… so I have gone 100% mono over the past year even when fishing super clear water.


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William Saunders
1 month ago

Luke, I have been a member for several years. In the beginning you only recommended the FG knot for attachment to a leader of larger diameter than your braid. In this lesson for reef fishing you describe using 20 lb braid with 20-30 lb mono leader. In your sight fishing setup you describe using 6 lb braid attached to a 10 lb mono upper leader. In both cases you still mention using the FG knot for attachment of braid to mono leader. Have you changed your mind over the last last few years about the FG knot. If properly tied, do you now feel that it is acceptable to use for smaller to larger, same size to same size, and larger to smaller lines?

William Saunders
1 month ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

Luke, thank you for the clarification and prompt response!

The 10 braid to 20 leader and 6 braid to 10 leader joins made sense since they were smaller to larger. The 20 to 20 seemed off, but I hadn’t considered that the 20 lb mono was still much thicker in diameter than the 20 lb braid. I was only thinking in terms of specified pound strength not diameter. Thanks again.

Beth DeBella
9 months ago

Luke, instead of using 6lb braid, 10 pound mono leader and 20 pound tippet, why not just use 8-10 pound braid with a 20 pound tippet and cut out the leader? Is the leader really giving that much more strength to the line? Thanks!

Theodor Macris
8 months ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

I think we need more tests! Building the perfect leader system. Just from trying to cut braid with less than razor scissors while being able to pop mono on a dull knife I am not sure I would agree…without more tests!

Jackson Lee
10 months ago

would it make a difference if i used colored line like white or bright blue?

10 months ago

Makes me wanna start all over with filling a spool now 🙂 I’m running 15 lb main with just a 40 lb leader. Mine is mainly for structure. I haven’t made a pole set up yet for sight fishing.

Russell Gudvangen
10 months ago

I’ve lost 1/8 of spool over time to wind knots or abrasion. Can I I tie on a section or do I need to respool the whole thing? If I can add, what knot for 10lb braid to 10LB braid?

James Wilson
10 months ago

what is the bite tippit

James Wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

thanks Luke

John Page
1 year ago

Hey Luke, what’s your go to tippet knot?

John Page
1 year ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

Thank you!