
Recommended Equipment

Below are some links to the most popular combos across the Insider Club platforms for all-purpose inshore setups. But if you’re just getting started and plan to focus on using live shrimp, then a low price combo from a local tackle shop will be all you need.

Note: You can use monofilament line for a mainline too as explained in the video. If you want to try that, then here’s a link to the 10 lb Monofilament Mainline that has proven to work great.


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William Bongiorno
15 days ago

I always wondered and I said to a friend mono is so much cheaper than fluorocarbon. I told him I’m not buying it anymore simple I never catch anything with it besides Pinfish. Question I always thought to land a keeper I always use 35lb Brade 50 Lb leader. I’m thinking the fish isn’t going to break me off with this material. I realize it’s an over kill but is there and advantage in using lighter tackle like 15-20 Lb Brade with 30 Lb leader when fishing for Red Fish, Speckle Trout, Snook and Sheepshead? Fishing inshore Wading in areas like Fort De Soto and Weedon Preserve, Apollo Beach Preserve and other places near those areas?

Jesus Vargas
20 days ago

Wish i would have seen this before i got Fluorocarbon Line. lol oh well. now its time to save money in the future! Great job . i like that you test every “Pros” on items.

Douglas tomlinson
1 month ago

I have some questions. First, are there specific reels for braid and specific ones for mono or is it completely interchangeable? I’ve always just spooled spinning reels with braid but I’ve wondered about that. Second, do you think the little bit of extra stretch from a mono leader, as opposed to fluorocarbon, is an advantage when setting a hook, as in not pulling it completely out? I do but I have no real way to confirm it. I always use mono leader too. Third, how do you maintain enough tension on braid to spool it when doing it at home? I’ve tried a couple of things but none of them work well or are really worth mentioning here.

Douglas tomlinson
1 month ago

For most of my spinning reel combos I use a braid main line but I just bought a reel for surf fishing that was spooled with 20# mono because it was the best deal at the time and I’m absolutely going to use the mono that came on it. Braid has definite advantages, but either one will work.

1 month ago

Luke you only mention braid advantage is casting distance which it true but it also lets you spool much more line so when the big one hits and your using 10lb line you can let it run if drag set correctly. , also it gives you much more feel so even the smallest nibble can be felt. by the way i learned all this from you and salt strong. thank you and joe for forming the best fishing group on the web.

Danny LeBlanc
2 months ago

I am strongly advocate using and purchased the Braid Mainline 10 lb and Leader Line 20 lb. on most of my reels. However, I do possess a single spin cast reel that I maintain a 15 lb monofilament line for as a backup rigging option.

Thomas Lawwell
2 months ago

Thank you for these videos! As a beginner, I now see how much money I have wasted. Joining this club has shown me more in a couple of hours than I had learned in 6 months of trying to find answers on my own. And answered questions I did not even know to ask! I am trying to teach my son and grandson Florida fishing. I can’t wait to help them like you are helping me.

Nathan Koedam
2 months ago

In reference to the leader debate, I watched your abrasion video, which I was VERY surprised by (due to the marketing of floro) and it has made me skeptical of the rest of the claims made about floro. I have also been told floro has less stretch than mono making it more sensitive to feeling strikes and making for better hook sets. Have you heard this also, and if so, do you believe there is any truth to it?

David Hartz
5 months ago

Any preference in color of the braid?

Christopher Geyer
7 months ago

Great video. What is the recommendation for snaps and swivels and other uses of terminal tackle?
I plan on 10lb braid and 20lb mono for a leader. How much length is needed on the leader if I also plan to use a swivel and snap to increase flexibility of rig setups. Or should I tie everything on directly to the leader and just accept I shouldn’t be ready to swap setups as quickly.