
Recommended Medium Power Combos

Below are links to the 2 most popular combos across the Insider Club members for all-purpose medium power inshore setups.

Note: You of course have a ton of options to choose from, the key is to go with a medium power fast action blank in order to be able to effectively fish with both lures and live bait.

Recommended Medium Heavy Power Combos

Below are some links to the most popular lines used by Insider Club members for all-purpose medium-heavy power inshore setups.

Note: For the BG series of reels, they are larger than most other reels so I use their 2500 for my MH power setups and it performs great for its price.

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Richard McCormick
22 days ago

Great information on set ups..Never had a clue on proper combos of power and action based on what you’re targeting or lure weight..Thank you …Aced the test, if only that translated to finding fish ! Hopefully it comes with more experience…

Ricardo j Reyna
22 days ago

What is a good rod for using cut bait for Reds. Is a 7ft Medium Heavy Fast action ideal for using Carolina rig with cut bait

Jeffrey Mullen
2 months ago

When will the slot machine rods be back in stock?

Wayne Walker
2 months ago

Thoughts about a 4000 size BG vs Fuego (for a bit larger fish- I think I’ll need more line capacity of bigger braid)? BG is heavier, but not sealed (Fuego has magseal). I’ll be on a kayak casting all day. I might set it with cut bait while casting with a lighter reel.

Wayne Walker
2 months ago

I need a good three or four piece rod for inshore. I’ve heard good things about the Jigging World Nexus 2.0 over the TFO traveler. Thoughts?

Tracy Thompson
2 months ago

Why don’t these rods come in two piece option? I have a hard time transporting 7’6 rods?

Robert Michelon
3 months ago

I noticed you do not mention the Slam Stick in your comparison. Is it much better than the TFO Pro?

Nicholas Anderson
3 months ago

I’ve got a bunch of spinning combos but it’s m considering getting a speckled trout specific wade fishing setup; and I’m considering a baitcaster style reel. I want something for casting side plastics and working them in both shallow water and water up to 4’-5’. It needs to be a LIGHT setup that I can cast all day, without totally wearing my arm out. I’m not tied to the idea of a bait caster but they tend to be light and seem to be a bit better for working both soft plastics and top waters. I’m open to advise from anyone, though.

Main thing is getting a rod that can handle those acrobatic head shakes that trout are known for. I don’t have a budget but I dont like spending more $$ than I need to, unless there’s an actual and practical reason to.

Any community member advice or help from one of the staff members would be greatly appreciated!

Tight lines, folks!

Coty Thomas
10 months ago

Is there a casting difference between the medium and the medium heavy? Why not just use a medium heavy all the time?

Coty Thomas
10 months ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

So a paddle tail or power prawn on a 1/8 owner or jig will not do well on a medium heavy but a 1/4 plus would

Coty Thomas
10 months ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

I have 2 7’ m tfo and just debating whether I should get a medium heavy and debating if I should change to a 7’6” if it would give me more distance

Ed Morrison
10 months ago
Reply to  Coty Thomas

7’6″ will give you more casting distance, I use my medium poles for shallow waters with lighter baits and my medium heavy for surf, deep water and jetty fishing where im using heavier baits and line.

10 months ago

Very nicely done Luke.
Question : you had mentioned the rod was labeled to perform best with 8-15 lb braid. I ordered 20 lb with mine so what should I watch for/Do or NOT do when hooking a fish ?

Thanks 🙏

Last edited 10 months ago by DAVE PERSON
Todd Quist
4 months ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

Is this link still valid? I click on it and it asks me to login but will not accept my credentials.