
Braid to Leader: FG Knot


Leader to Lure: Non-Slip Loop Knot


Braid to Leader (2nd Choice): Crazy Alberto

Some members have reported issues with tying the FG knot, so here’s the next best option based on its strength to diameter ratio:

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Kenneth Lovegreen
30 days ago

Great videos!
Question: Loop or swivel?
Some people prefer swivel and some loop knot.

Brandon Dugan
2 months ago

So I actually found a tool on Temu that is meant to help you tie the FG knot. Not that I had a problem tying it, but I always had to get myself into an awkward position with the rod and everything keeping the lines tight. I promise you that tool is a game changer, I just ordered second one to keep on my boat. So many different changing leader size and it makes it very simple.

Tom Turner
1 month ago
Reply to  Brandon Dugan

Which item on Temu? Is it the one that looks almost like an archer’s bow?

John Tripp
3 months ago

Hey Luke,

The sailor in me wants to know why not just use a bowline?

Eric Shannon
3 months ago

How do you feel about using a clip instead of the non-slip loop knot?

William Cox Cox
3 months ago

Hi Salt Strong folks. I was a dedicated Kayak angler and, and all this information is very useful if you have a boat/kayak. Due to some knee issues I returned to surf fishing. Unfortunately very little of this lesson applies.
Please don’t leave out the surf anglers.

Christopher Kovach
4 months ago

This took me a few tries to get what I believe is correct. Definitely helped starting with a much heavier leader (I started with 80lb mono) to get the feel for the knot and wraps.
My question is this – when moving down to a 15lb main braid and 25lb fluro leader my knot looks good, no crossed wraps, etc., but slightly different in regards to the spacing between the wraps. On the larger leader line you could see space between the wraps and visually see it cutting/biting into the leader line. On the smaller, 25lb leader, the wraps are so close together/touching and I wanted to know if there should be similar larger spacing between the wraps similar to when using the thicker leader. I want to ensure that I’m getting the “bite” into the line that I am supposed to on the smaller line. Thanks!

John Gresham
6 months ago

Great Video Luke – Where do I find the PDF’s you mentioned?

Christopher Kovach
4 months ago
Reply to  John Gresham

I found them by clicking the Menu in the upper right corner of the screen (desktop version) then clicking “cheat sheets” near the bottom of the list. Hope that helps!

Michael White
6 months ago

Is it better to use the loop not for live bait setups as well?

Ralph Day
6 months ago

Don’t remember where I found this but I use a method to put tension on the mainline that is easier for me. Tie a surgeons loop in the mainline and loop it over the reel handle and crank the handle to put light tension on the line. Then tie same as in the video and cut the mainline below the knot to tie the half hitches.

Rick Norton
6 months ago

Took me 2 hours or so of backing up the video multiple times to get this knot figured out. I can now do this knot in a couple of minutes. The pinky finger tension is definitely key. I just wish my other fingers were more nimble.
Great instructions! Thanks Luke.