Line Experiments

We have conducted various line experiments over the years, and we’ll continue the testing in an effort to know exactly which line is best for each application.

Here are some of the more popular tests in case you haven’t yet seen them:

How Much Farther Can You Cast With A 10lb Braid vs. 20lb Braid?

Should You Use Saliva To Tighten Fishing Knots?

Shocking Results: Mono vs. Fluoro Abrasion Experiment

Fluoro vs. Mono Stress Test Experiment

Mono vs. Braid – Casting Contest

Does Leader Line Get Weaker In Tackle Bag?

Please let us know of any other tests you’d like us to conduct using the Comments section below.

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Brian Kennedy
6 months ago

Fascinating that mono is better than fluoro. We have all been told different. Great info

James Wilson
8 months ago

totally different from mono to floro cast ok but the braided line went so much farther i was totally amazed of the difference thanks Luke