How Much Farther Can You Cast With A 10 lb Line vs. 20 lb Line? Results Here


I’ve always been curious to know how much farther a 10 lb line can cast relative to a 20 lb line (all else considered equal).

But until completing this latest casting experiment, I never knew how quickly casting performance declines when bumping up to a higher line…

And the results were shocking!

Casting Experiment Details

For this test, I put the focus on braid line because it is what most of us use when trying to maximize our casting distance when using spinning tackle.

It seems as if many inshore anglers are using braided line in the 10 lb to 20 lb range to target redfish, seatrout, and snook.

So I thought that would be fun to know how much casting distance that those who use 20 lb line are giving up by going for the added power.

Both lines have very small diameters, so my hypothesis for this experiment was that their casting distances would be within 10% of one another.

Based on some feedback from the first test where I analyzed the casting difference between mono vs. braid, I performed one test to resemble a heavy bait and another to resemble a lighter bait.

Image from casting along the shoreline (went over the water in a cove so that the lines would be wet)

Here are the core variables that are in this experiment:

  1. Rod Lenght: Equal – both the exact same 7’6″ TFO rods with the same power rating
  2. Reels: Equal – both lines were on the same sized Shimano Stradic Ci4 reel
  3. Lures: Equal – used teardrop shaped weights to minimize the wind resistance variable
    • 1st test used 3/16 oz to resemble lighter lures
    • 2nd test used 1/2 oz weights to resemble a heavier lure
  4. Casting Force – As equal as possible without a $$$$ machine
  5. Line Gap: The gap between the edge of the spool and the outer layer of the line is a big factor with spinning reels, so I made sure to keep them equal.
  6. Line Sizes: One reel was loaded with 10 lb braid while the other was loaded with 20 lb braid

Note: Both lines were made from PowerPro, and they both were newly spooled.

Click the video image below to see the test and its results:


Given the 20%+ difference in casting distance between these two lines, we all need to consider the casting distance implications when deciding between one size or another line.

I use artificial lures 99%+ of the time which requires a lot of casts, so I always favor the lighter lines because they allow me to cover more water with less effort.

This test revealed that the 10 lb line enabled me to cast ~30-feet further… and although that seems relatively small, that equates to an entire football field of water that I can cover every 10 casts.


That is a whole lot of extra water coverage which will surely turn in to more strikes and fish caught.

So our goal should be to select the lowest line strength that we trust can handle our target species.

If you have any questions or have any line recommendations for me to test next, please use the comment field below.

P.S. – Please be sure to share this post with any of your friends who use spinning tackle so that they know the importance of selecting the right sized line… this test sure made me think harder about the line sizes I use.

Related Post: Braid vs. Mono Casting Distance Experiment [Test & Results]

See More Fishing Line Tests/Reviews


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9 months ago

How far were the casts you fricken moron!

James Wilson
9 months ago

finding out that i do like the smaller line much better lot easier to handle

Rudolph Lightell
2 years ago

Luke, I had switched over to 10lb, and definitely noticed difference in the points you made, but I also noticed I was getting a lot more winds knots with the 10 lb power pro when using a cork and popping. Do you have any testing or comments in this regard? Thanks

Dan Hepker
3 years ago

Very informative regarding casting distance between 10# and 20#. I’ve noticed any knots on my spool,( knot to attach line to spool and knot to attach to backing) have a tendency to create a slight hump as my line builds on my spools. I do form as smallest and tightest knots possible, but the humps still build. And yes you need look closely or watch as first wraps start building on your spool to notice them. I have always felt they create some friction thus shortening your casts somewhat. Funk build up from water contaminates probably does the same thing I would guess. I still use backing most of the time and always will. What are your thoughts? I intend to start using your recommendation to tie off the last 100 yards for a simpler way to replace line as my line gap diminishes. Excellent tip I must say. Of course now I have a third knot LOL

Dan Hepker
3 years ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

Thanks Luke
I am enjoying Salt Strong

Drew Danko
3 years ago

I read your test results for the 10 vs 20 lb comparison. Have you any information on how much distance I would get using 15 lb. Power Pro braid? Drew

Henry Soriano
3 years ago

Thanks Luke, I was thinking if I should go down from 20 to 10lbs. You answered my question buddy, tight lines. 🐟

Roger Cagle
4 years ago

I like to use a bait casting reel from time to time especially for topwater. Does the same size guide lines work for bait caster reels.

Roger Cagle
4 years ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

Thanks for the quick reply Luke. I changed two of my spinning reels to 10 pound test and the difference in casting distance is amazing. Great job Salt Strong.

4 years ago

In addition I think another advantage to casting distance is keeping your boat further away from the smarter better quality fish and being able to reach them without spooking them being they are more aware when a boat is close by mainly in less than 10 ft but it does require having a good chart plotter and sonar to locate the fish prior to the fishing. If you have a buddy on the boat and he can reach the fish but you can’t because he has the advantage in casting distance it will be all the proof you need. There is a reason reels have drag systems built on them and learning how to master that is a huge factor in catching success and bettering your fishing skills.

5 years ago

So you’re assuming the actual set location of a constantly moving object and of course it’s further away than closer? WHAT??? HOW??? WHY??? Has anyone studied the movement of effing fish? Or studied the mental health of men who study fish? This is fascinatingly odd.

5 years ago

do you have a comparison between 20lb and 30lb?


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