Inshore Fishing Library (Your Ultimate Saltwater Inshore Fishing Resource)
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing

You’ve finally found it…
The Inshore Fishing Tips Library!
Consider this your ULTIMATE FREE inshore fishing resource covering everything from:
- Tricks to catching more redfish
- How to identify structure and find new spots using online maps
- Kayak fishing tips
- Best inshore fishing knots
- How to properly catch & release fish (without killing them)
- How to throw a cast net like a pro
- Paddleboard fishing tips
- Best inshore fishing lures
- Inshore fishing kayaks
- And much more…
But first, let’s talk about the basics of inshore fishing.
Note: Make sure to BOOKMARK this page as we will update it throughout the year with more inshore fishing tips.
What Is Inshore Saltwater Fishing?
If you look online or do a Google search for “What is Inshore Fishing” most of the sites out there will tell you that:
- Inshore fishing is any saltwater fishing occurring in 30 meters or less.
For those of you not good with math, that means inshore fishing is anywhere from 1 inch of water all the way to 98.4252 feet deep!
Of course, anything above 99 feet is considered Offshore fishing.
Other anglers say that inshore fishing is anything within 3 miles of shore, while others say it’s based on the kind of fish you are catching (but I’ve seen people catch pelagics in a few feet of water so this can’t always hold true).
Personally, I believe that definition of inshore fishing needs to be slightly altered as fishing “inshore” has changed and evolved drastically over the years since these definitions were created (many years ago).
I still recall growing up every summer at Ponce Inlet my dad, brother, grandfather, and I would head offshore every chance we had in our 24-ft Wellcraft boat. Even though it was only 24 feet, it had a small cabin, outriggers, and more tackle than you could shake a leg at.
I also recall seeing my first ever “flats boat” there and I remember how odd it looked.
Might seem crazy now, but back in the mid to late 80’s, it wasn’t that cool that have a flats boat unless you lived in the Florida Keys…
Because hardly any of the hard-core anglers I knew saw much of a use for it as they could only be used in flat calm waters.
Of course, flats boats, skiffs, kayaks, paddleboards, Gheenoes, and everything in between have come a LONG way in the last couple of decades.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.

Fast forward today and you will hear anglers use different terms to describe inshore fishing such as:
- Fishing the “skinny water”
- Fishing the “flats”
The irony is that back when I was growing up in Florida, if someone said, “fishing the flats,” that simply meant you had accidently run your boat up on a sandbar and you went fishing with the lightest tackle you had on the boat while you waited for the tide to come in…
None of my friends growing up went “flats fishing” or “inshore fishing”, and “Skinny water fishing” wasn’t something I heard until many years later.
Boy, a whole lot has changed in just a couple of decades.
It’s also important to note that when you see “Inshore Fishing” it is primarily associated with saltwater fishing.
For some reason, many anglers from the midwest seem to think that inshore fishing is associated with freshwater. Nope.
So now that we are all clear on what inshore fishing is, let’s move right on into what everyone wants to know… how to catch inshore fish.
Section 1: Inshore Fishing Tips
In this section of Inshore Fishing 101, you will find some of the best inshore fishing tips on the web.
The focus is on the most popular inshore fish from Texas to North Carolina such as:
- Redfish
- Trout
- Snook
- Flounder
- Black drum
Simply click on any image or link to go directly to the full blog post (and video in most cases).
3 Shortcuts To Catching Redfish Like A Pro [VIDEO]
One of the most popular inshore fish in the south is the redfish (aka red drum).
These inshore fish have been caught from Texas all the way to Maine, and they range in size from 12 inches to 50+!
Find out three of the top tips to catch redfish like a pro in this post below.
Click here to learn how to catch more redfish.
How To Catch Redfish, Snook, & Gator Trout Without Live Bait [PDF]
In what is probably the most downloaded and read inshore fishing PDF to date, this “Inshore Fishing Manifesto” has been read by over 20,000 inshore anglers from Texas to North Carolina.
The free PDF reveals three huge breakthroughs that most weekend warrior anglers need in order to start catching more consistent snook, redfish, and trout (without ever needing to rely on live bait).
If you want to start catching more inshore fish on artificial lures, then this PDF is a must-read.
Click here to see the post and to download the free PDF guide.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
How To Catch More Flounder With This Paddletail Lure [VIDEO]
Want to catch more inshore flounder?
One of the all-time best lures is this paddletail by DOA (or a similar paddletail by Berkley Gulp).
Check out the best way to rig it and retrieve it in this post below.
Click here to see the full blog on catching more flounder with this paddletail lure.
5 Shortcuts To Catching Snook In Florida
The snook (aka Linesider) might be more of a Florida inshore fish, but it certainly deserves a place in the ultimate inshore fishing guide because it is one of the most popular saltwater game fish in the “Fishing Capital of the World”.
This blog post reveals some of the best snook fishing tips ever put down in writing.
Check out these tips for targeting inshore snook in Florida below.
Click here to see the best snook fishing blog of all-time.
3 Shortcuts For Catching More Speckled Trout
The spotted seatrout (aka “speckled trout”) is one of the most popular inshore fish out there.
From catching small seatrout all the way to the big GATOR trout, these inshore fish never get old.
The great news is that seatrout aren’t that hard to catch once you have a strategy in place.
Click here to see some of the best tips on how to catch consistent speckled seatrout.
How To Find Amazing Inshore Fishing Honey Holes Using Online Maps
Want to see how seasoned inshore anglers use Google and Bing maps to find new inshore fishing spots?
Then check out this quick tutorial of Luke Simonds (co-founder of Salt Strong) using online maps to find spots.
You might even get a new spot or two if you are in Florida…
Click here to see the video now.
Best Free Online Maps For Finding Inshore Fish [REVIEW]
Ever wonder what the best free online maps are for inshore fishing?
This blog post is dedicated to showing you how to use online maps to find new fishing spots, and it reveals which free online map is the best.
Click here to see the full post on using online maps for inshore fishing spots.
How To Catch Black Drum Using Sand Fleas
Black drum don’t seem to get the respect they deserve when it comes to inshore fishing.
And neither do sand fleas when it comes to bait.
But I can assure you that if you come across a big school of black drum while inshore fishing, you will wish you had some sand fleas.
Click here to see the exact rig to catch consistent black drum using sand fleas.
Are You Making One Of These Mistakes When It Comes To Catching Redfish?
Did you know that there are six common mistakes that almost every inshore angler makes when it comes to catching redfish?
More specifically, every angler seems to suffer from one primary redfish mistake.
The great news is that not only does this redfish survey identify your #1 mistake, but it helps solve it for you as well.
Click here see which mistake is costing you the most redfish.
3 Tips For Catching More Flounder On Artificial Lures
Flounder are one of the most popular inshore fish in America.
They taste great, they are plentiful, and you don’t have to travel far to find them.
Here are three great tips on catching (and finding) more flounder using artificial lures.
Click here to see the full post.
Section 2 – Live Bait
In this “Live Bait” section of Inshore Fishing 101, you will find some of the best inshore fishing tips for catching and rigging live bait.
You’ll see live bait tips such as:
- How to toss a cast net like a pro
- How to catch pinfish without a net
- How to rig live bait
Simply click on any image or link to go directly to the full blog post (and video in most cases).
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
How To Throw A Big Cast Net With (Or Without) Using Your Mouth
If you fish with live bait, then you need to be able to throw a cast net consistently.
Regardless if you are using a 7ft or a 12 ft cast net, the technique is pretty similar.
In this video, Luke Simonds actually marks the net and shows you exactly where each section should land when you throw a perfect pancake.
Check out this most comprehensive cast net video ever made.
How To Throw A 10-Foot Cast Net The Easy Way
Let’s face it, throwing a perfect pancake with a 10-foot cast net is not as easy as it looks.
It can also be quite heavy (especially for younger anglers and smaller females).
Well, there is no better angler than Chasten Whitfield to teach the mechanics on throwing a big net with the least amount of effort possible.
Click here to see Chasten’s tips on throwing a perfect 10-ft cast net.
How To Throw A 4-Foot Cast Net Without Using Your Mouth
Want to learn how to throw a 4-foot cast net the easiest way possible?
Better yet, want to teach your kids how to throw a 4-foot cast net so they can start getting bait themselves?
There is nothing better than having your kids get involved with fishing (not to mention, getting them catching your bait).
Click here to see how simple it can be to throw a 4-foot cast net without using your mouth.
How To Throw A Cast Net From A Kayak Like A Pro!
Ever tried to throw a cast net from a kayak?
It’s not that easy, but with a little practice and a few tips on technique, it can be done with ease.
Click here to see how the kayak fishing pros throw cast nets while standing in a yak.
How To Easily Catch Pinfish Without A Net Or Trap [VIDEO]
Want to learn a really cool trick that catches tons of pinfish without using a net or pinfish trap?
Then check out this tip that works on pretty much any grass flat.
It’s so easy your entire family can do it.
How To Rig A Live Pinfish For Redfish, Snook, Tarpon, and Grouper
There’s nothing worse than missing a nice fish due to a bad hook set.
Sometimes the missed hook set is caused due to your bait not hooked the most optimal way possible.
Watch in this video how to properly hook a live pinfish for more hookups (and even see a snook caught on the first cast).
How To Hook Live (or Dead) Shrimp Like A Pro
One of the most popular inshore fishing baits of all time is shrimp.
Whether live or dead, shrimp are tough to beat as bait.
But did you know that there are multiple ways to rig a shrimp based on how, where, and what you are fishing for?
Click here to see how to rig shrimp like a fishing pro
How To Rig Dead Shrimp On A Jig Head For More Bites
Dead shrimp can be really effective for catching inshore fish.
Want to see the best way to rig dead shrimp for more redfish, trout, flounder, snook, and black drum?
Then click here to see the best dead shrimp hooking techniques.
3 Best Live Bait Fish For Catching Inshore Fish In Florida [Gulf Coast]
Want to know the best live bait fish for catching inshore fish on the Gulf Coast of Florida?
Then click here to see Chasten Whitfield’s top 3 choices!
Best Ways To Store Live Bait While Kayak Fishing
Do you love live bait fishing but struggle to find the most efficient and effective way to keep your bait alive while kayak fishing or fishing from land?
Then check out this fishing tip where Tony reveals his two favorite ways to keep live bait alive for kayakers and shore anglers.
Click here to see the video now.
3 Simple Ways To Bridle Rig Your Live Bait To Catch More Fish
Did you know that how you rig a live bait has a HUGE influence on how many hook ups you get?
If you aren’t rigging your live bait properly based on the water movement, species of fish, and type of live bait, you could be missing out on fish in the boat.
Click here to see three great video tips on how to rig live bait.
How To Make A Homemade Sabiki Rig For Catching Bait

Sabiki rigs are awesome for catching live bait!
Drop one of these multi-hook rigs down in the right bait pod and you can fill a live well with fresh bait in no time.
The only downside to a Sabiki rig is that they can be overpriced for something that can be made at home in less than 30 minutes.
Click here to see exactly how to make a DIY sabiki rig.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
Live Bait vs Artificial Lures: Why Neither Matter If You Know This…
Which one do you think is best for inshore fishing?
Live bait or artificial lures?
Well, as you will see in this video if you know how to predict where inshore fish will be using trends, it doesn’t matter what you use for bait.
Click here to see what it takes to start predicting where fish will be.
Section 3 – Best Inshore Fishing Lures
In this “Artificial Bait” section of Inshore Fishing 101, you will find some of the best inshore fishing lures that we’ve found to work pretty much anywhere.
You’ll see artificial lures tips such as:
- How to rig a Berkley GULP shrimp
- How to make soft plastic lures weedless
- Must have artificial lures for every tackle box
- And much more
Simply click on any image or link to go directly to the full blog post (and video in most cases).
How To Rig A Berkley Gulp Shrimp For More Bites
One of the most popular inshore baits across the country is shrimp.
Shrimp can catch pretty much every single inshore species from sheepshead to redfish to snook to seatrout to tarpon.
And the only thing better than live shrimp is the Berkley Gulp Shrimp.
We aren’t sure what Berkley puts in that GULP juice, but it sure does work.
Click here to see how to properly rig a Berkley Gulp Shrimp for more bites.
20 Tips That Will Increase Your Success With Topwater Lures
Want to see some of the best topwater fishing tips to help you land more fish?
Then check out this ultimate “topwater lure” post.
You’ll learn everything from rigging, retrieving, and even some cool topwater tacts that most people haven’t heard.
Click here now to see the full post and video.
Berkley Gulp Shad: Everything You Need To Know [REVIEW]
The Berkley Gulp Shad is the lure that Luke Simonds of Salt Strong used to win inshore tournaments against professional anglers.
Meaning, he would ONLY use this lure for the entire tournament and still be able to win money.
It is probably one of the deadliest and most versatile artificial lures for inshore fishing 3 feet and under.
Click here to see the full review on why this lure catches so many inshore fish.
How To Rig A DOA Jerk Bait (Plus Underwater Footage)
Another top favorite for a deadly inshore jerk shad is the DOA Jerk Bait.
We’ve caught everything from flounder, to 40-inch snook, to tarpon on this bait.
And the best news is that as long as a pufferfish doesn’t get a hold of the tail, these baits last a long time.
Click here to see the best way to rig them for more bites.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
How To Rig A Berkley Gulp Soft Plastic Tail Like A Pro
One of these soft plastic Gulp Pogy tails on a jig head can be deadly when it comes to catching inshore fish.
For the 3-7 foot range, this is one of the best overall inshore lures out there.
Click here to see how to rig the Berkley Gulp Pogy on a jig head for more bites
How To Catch Snook On A DOA Cal Shad [VIDEO]
DOA Cal Shad = Snook Candy
Of course, this popular bait can also catch other fish, but we’ve found that snook in particular love this lure.
In fact, a snook actually hits the lure in this video tutorial.
How To Rig A WEEDLESS Berkley Gulp Shrimp
What’s the only thing better than a Berkley Gulp Shrimp?
A weedless Berkley Gulp Shrimp (or a live shrimp, of course)!
When fishing grassy bottoms, tossing under mangrove trees, or fishing inshore areas with structure, you want your lure to be as “weedless” as possible.
Click here to see exactly how to rig your Gulp baits weedless.
7 Essential Saltwater Fishing Lures That Can Catch Fish Pretty Much Anywhere
Do you want to see the 7 best saltwater fishing lures that can catch fish (including inshore fish) pretty much anywhere in the world?
Then check out these seven lures that made the list of “must have” saltwater lures.
Click here to see all 7 lures now.
How To Tie Your Own Bucktail Jigs For Redfish, Snook, & Trout
There is nothing better than making a homemade jig or lure and catching a nice fish with it.
And one of the easiest (yet still most effective) inshore lures to tie from home is the bucktail jig.
Not only is it easy to tie, but you probably have a lot of the material in your house already.
Click here to see the exact steps on how to make your own bucktail jigs.
Rapala Skitter Walk vs Rapala Skitter V (Plus Underwater Footage)
The Rapala Skitter Walk has been one of the most popular saltwater topwater lures out there for many years.
For countless anglers, this is their go-to topwater plug.
Well, recently Rapala “updated” the Skitter lure and gave it more a V-shaped bottom.
Click here to see how it compares to the original.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
How To Skip Your Lure Under Mangroves (and other structure) Like A Pro
Inshore fish love structure.
From docks to fallen down trees to mangrove tree lines, inshore fish are attracted to structure for protection and to find food.
And the further you can get your bait or lure under the structure, the more hook-ups you will get.
Click here to see the secret to skipping your bait under structure (like mangrove trees) like a pro
Section 4 – Must Know Inshore Fishing Knots
Let’s face it, there are countless fishing knots out there that you could learn.
But if you ask most serious anglers (or even professional, full-time fishermen), they will tell you that they usually only use a few knots in any given month.
In fact, most anglers will tell you that you only need three main fishing knots for inshore fishing:
- Braid to leader knot (to connect braided line to a mono or fluorocarbon leader)
- Loop knot (to tie your line to a jig head, hook, or lure that needs a little more flex/movement)
- Snug knot (to tie your line to a hook, lure, etc that doesn’t need extra flex/movement)
So let’s cover the best fishing knots for each category (based on strength and ease of use).
Best Fishing Knot For Braided Line [Braid To Leader Contest]
The knot from your braided line to your leader is absolutely critical.
In fact, using an inferior braid to leader knot could be the difference between you landing a trophy inshore fish and losing one.
The great news is we took the time to do a full-on knot contest to see which knot is truly the strongest.
Click here to see the results.
Fastest Way To Tie The FG Knot [PDF Included]
In pretty much all of our knot contests, the FG Knot has continued to win as the strongest braid to leader knot.
Not to mention, the FG knot is super small and pretty easy to tie (once you master it).
It’s no wonder that it’s one of the most popular line to leader knots out there today.
Click here to see the quickest way to tie the FG Knot.
Do You Make This Mistake When Tying The FG Knot?
Although the FG Knot is the strongest and best overall line to leader knot that we have tested, it does have one flaw…
If you don’t cinch it down and “lock in” the knot, it will fail.
This is by far, the most common mistake that anglers have when tying the FG knot.
Click here to watch how to fix the mistake.
Best Fishing Knot For Leader To Hook/Lure (SNUG KNOT)
Once you have the braid to leader knot down (see above), the next knot you must be able to tie is the one that connects your leader line to your hook/lure/etc.
Most anglers refer to this knot as a “Snug Knot”.
Note: we also tested these knots against each other in a knot contest and you can see which one came out on top by clicking the link below.
Click here to see the strongest knots including how to tie them.
Best Fishing Knot For Leader To Hook/Lure (LOOP KNOT)
If you are going to be inshore fishing then you must have a go-to loop knot.
You will need loop knots for many lures including most jig heads.
The great news is that we tested out all of the most popular loop knots in a knot contest and declared a winner.
Click here to see which loop knot won and how to tie it.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
Best Fishing Knots Of All Time (Ranked Strongest To Weakest)
This could quite possibly be the best fishing knot guide of all time.
Pretty much every single fishing knot is in here (with new ones being added frequently).
But the best part is that these knots are ranked from strongest to weakest.
Click here to see all of the best fishing knots.
Section 5 – Inshore Fishing Reels & Line
Although “most anglers” agree that the spinning reel is a better overall fit for inshore fishing, it’s pretty clear that not every angler agrees on the best spinning reel brand.
So in this section, we will focus on the best ways to maximize your spinning reel (and not offend anyone by saying one brand is better than the other).
You’ll learn everything from:
- How to spool a spinning reel
- How to prevent wind knots
- How to properly set your drag
How To Spool Braided Line On A Spinning Reel (Without Line Twists Or Loops)
If you go inshore fishing, then the chances are good that you are going to be using a spinning reel at some point.
Chances are also good that you will be using braided line.
So we put this video together to show exactly how to spool a spinning reel with braided line like a pro because the last thing you want to do is spool your spinning reel up the wrong way and get wind knots.
What’s The Proper Drag Setting For An Inshore Reel?
Do you know the ideal drag setting for your inshore reels?
It’s not based on how much drag your reel has, it’s all based on the line you are using.
Check out these easy way to make sure you have the optimal drag setting at all times.
Click here to see the video now.
This Trick Prevents Wind Knots, Tangles, And Twists Due To Uneven Line On Your Spinning Reel
Many inshore anglers don’t know this, but uneven line in your spool can lead to bad wind knots, tangles, and loops.
The good news is that there is an easy way to fix this.
You’ll also understand why reel manufacturers put washers in the new reel boxes after you watch this short video by clicking below.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
How To Tie A Fishing Leader For Redfish, Snook, Trout, & Flounder
Granted, there will be times when you won’t need a leader line while inshore fishing (like if the water massively dirty and dark with no structure around), but 90% of the time you will be better off using a leader while inshore fishing.
This “ultimate leader line” post reveals things such as:
- How long your leader line should be
- Best line to leader knot
- Best knots for leader to hook/lures
Click here to see the full post on how to rig the best leader
This One Casting Tip Can Increase Your Casting Distance Significantly
Did you know that there is one major thing holding most anglers back from casting further?
With this one simple trick on casting mechanics, you will be able to cast farther (with more accuracy) regardless of what kind of reel you are using.
Click here to watch the video on how to be a better caster
Do You Make This Common Mistake While Casting?
Although there are numerous ways anglers sabotage their casting distance, there is one casting mistake in particular that can actually cause you to lose a trophy fish.
This mistake really only applies to inshore anglers that use artificial lures, so if you are one of those, definitely watch the short video in this blog below.
Click here to see the casting mistake that could be costing you a nice fish.
Section 6 – Proper Inshore Fish Handling

Just like with most anything in life, there is usually always a wrong way and a right way to do things…
Same goes for inshore fishing.
Now although you can’t get your undies in a wad everytime you see an angler not handling a fish correctly (because they might actually be taking home the fish to eat), it certainly helps to get in a habit of ALWAYS handling fish with care.
Below are some of the best tips to making sure you give your fish the highest chance of survival after you release it back to the wild.
Note: most of these tips can apply to any type of fishing from inshore, offshore, or even freshwater fishing.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
How To Properly Catch & Release Inshore Fish (Without Killing Them)
There are countless amounts of inshore fish that die every year due to being released improperly and mishandled.
From fish that are kept out of the water too long to being gut-hooked to being held incorrectly, way too many fish die each year due to a bad catch and release.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
That’s why we created this post to share all of the best practices on handling fish that are going to be released.
Click here to see the full post on proper catch and release techniques.
The Complete Guide To Catch, Photo, And Release Fishing
If you are going catch inshore fish, it’s critical that you know how to properly handle them when doing a safe release.
Well, it’s estimated that millions of fish die every year from being improperly released and mishandled during release.
Click here to see the best practices on CPR fishing (catch, photo, release).
Are You Making These 3 Deadly Mistakes When Releasing Snook?
If you ever fish in Florida, then you know that the snook is one of the most popular inshore saltwater fish in the state.
It also happens to be the inshore fish that suffers the most from improper mishandling during release.
These three simple mistakes can help more snook live.
Click here to see the top three mistakes that anglers make when releasing snook.
Must Know Catch & Release Techniques For Inshore Anglers
With the rise of social media sites that enable you to post your fish pics comes the rise of two other things:
- Everyone realizing how many anglers mishandle inshore fish
- The rise of online fishing police…
Well, this post aims to decrease the amount of both the mishandled fish and the “online fishing police.”
Click here to see more tips on proper handling and release of inshore fish.
Section 7 – Inshore Kayak & Paddleboard Fishing Tips
It’s hard to believe that just twenty years ago, inshore kayak fishing wasn’t all that popular.
And inshore paddleboard fishing wasn’t even being talked about yet.
However, in the past ten years, both methods of catching fish have literally exploded!
Not to mention, countless kayak and paddleboard manufacturers, widget makers, and distributor popping up everywhere to serve the hungry market.
So in this section, we will show some of the best kayak fishing tip blog posts along with some of the best paddleboard fishing tip posts.
You will discover things such as:
- The tips all kayak anglers wish someone had taught them when they first got started kayak fishing
- How to select the best fishing kayak
- How to select the best fishing paddleboard
- The advantages and disadvantages of kayak fishing vs paddleboard fishing
5 Things Anglers Regret Not Knowing When They First Start Kayak Fishing
Just like with any sport or hobby, you always learn a lot along the way.
Some lessons are painful to learn, some are expensive, and some you simply wish someone had warned you…
Well, here are five kayak fishing lessons that most kayak anglers wish someone had told them before they started getting into the sport.
Click here to see all five now.
11 Essential Kayak Fishing Tips For Newbies
Inshore fishing from a kayak is one of the most effective and affordable ways to do it.
Yet, it isn’t as simple as just buying a kayak and hitting the water with your fishing rods.
Here are some of the best tips from inshore kayak anglers all in one post. Things that these anglers wish they knew when they first started inshore fishing from a yak.
Click here to see all 11 kayak tips
How To Get Back In Your Kayak After It Flips Over In Deep Water
There’s nothing worse than flipping out of your kayak in deep water!
And even though it doesn’t seem like the end of the world, it can be incredibly hard to get back in your kayak once you are all wet, if there are waves crushing you, and especially if it’s deep.
Just watch how out of breath Luke is in this video below after he flips out and gets back in.
Click here to see the video on some cool tips to help you get back in your kayak.
Kayak Safety Tips: Everything You Need To Know About Safe Kayaking
Kayak safety is something that doesn’t get talked about enough.
Heck, we were even guilty as our first set of kayak fishing tips were all about catching fish from your yak.
But there are some “Must Know” kayak safety tips that can prevent your day from starting off awesome to going to really bad.
The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Kayak
Thinking about buying your first fishing kayak?
Or perhaps thinking about upgrading to a new kayak?
Then you need to read this first. It’s the ULTIMATE guide to buying the best fishing kayak.
Click here to see all of the tips.
3 Reasons All Kayak Anglers Should Try Paddle Board Fishing
Kayak fishing and paddleboard are very similar, yet fishing from a paddleboard has very distinct (and critical) advantage…
The ability to always be standing.
Yep, that extra couple of feet makes a HUGE difference when it comes to seeing fish, seeing bait, and seeing structure.
Click here to see the other reasons fishing from a paddleboard has it’s advantages over a kayak
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
How To Fish From A Paddleboard [Inshore Flats Edition]
As you might have seen a few posts earlier, paddleboard fishing has some huge advantages over kayak fishing.
However, you must know a few special tips to really optimize your time on a SUP.
Here are three paddleboard fishing tips that Luke wished someone had taught him when he first starting fishing from his paddleboard.
How To Choose The Best Paddleboard For Fishing
Just like certain boats or kayaks are betted suited for inshore fishing, the same applies to paddleboards.
Similarly to boats, paddleboards can be completely different based on your needs.
In this video, Luke goes over the pros and cons of the three main types of paddleboards and reveals some reasons that he likes certain ones over others.
Click here to see the video now.
Section 8 – Miscellaneous Inshore Fishing Tips
Every ultimate guide has some great tips that don’t really fit into a specific category, but yet, are too good to be left out.
That is what this section is all about.
In this miscellaneous inshore fishing section, you will learn everything from:
- Why location is so critical
- How to protect yourself from sun damage/skin cancer
- Why you should never bring a banana out fishing…
3 Reasons Your Bait Should Take A Backseat To This [Inshore Fishing Tip]
It’s funny how much attention gets placed on fishing lures, bait, and other fishing equipment.
Watch any fishing show, go to any fishing expo, or read any fishing magazine and you’ll be inundated with the latest and greatest lures, live bait tips, etc.
Yet, all of that is kind of pointless if you don’t know where to find the fish…
Click here to see the #1 thing holding people back from catching more inshore fish.
Top 5 Myths About “No Bananas On Board” Your Fishing Boat
These next two inshore fishing tips could be the MOST IMPORTANT fishing tips in this entire blog…
Because there is no telling how many inshore fishing trips have been ruined due to someone bringing a “bad luck banana” on board.
After you read why bananas are bad luck on boats in this blog, click the second blog below to see tons of pictures from both sides of the argument.
Click here to see the top 5 no bananas on board myths
Are Bananas Really Bad Luck On Boats? [PICS & TRUE STORIES]
If you read the blog above on why bananas are considered bad luck on boats, now it’s time to make one final decision before you go inshore fishing?
Because what we have seen is that there is no “straddling the fence” on the decision to allow bananas on board your craft.
Either you:
- Never ever allow a single banana on board OR
- You embrace bushels of bananas on your boat and laugh in the face of them.
Click here see real pictures (and stories) from both sides of the bad luck banana coin.
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
5 Things Anglers Can Do To Avoid Dying From Skin Cancer
Let’s face it, there is no avoding exposure to the sun if you are fishing.
There’s just not really any way around it.
At age 28, Salt Strong co-founder Joe Simonds was diagnosed with melanoma (skin cancer).
After 10 years of being cancer free, Joe put down his best tips to help other anglers avoid what he went through.
Click here to see all of the skin cancer tips for anglers.
How To Avoid Mosquito Bites [And Why Mosquitoes Bite Certain People]
If you go inshore fishing in the summertime, there is a good chance you will come across mosquitoes.
These little pesky insects can destroy you (especially if you fish in swampy areas or in thick mangrove trees).
Well did you know that there are a few things you can be doing to help avoid mosquito bites?
Click here to see the full report.
We hoped you enjoyed this Inshore Fishing 101 post.
The great news is that we are continually adding to this ultimate inshore fishing resource.
Yep, we will continue to keep adding to it and we hope that you BOOKMARK THIS PAGE so you can reference it in the future and also check it for updates.
Hope you received some value from this inshore fishing resource.
Finally, was there anything in particular that we missed?
Any specific inshore fishing tips you want us to cover and add in here?
Please let us know in the comments and we will work on getting them in added in.
P.S. – If you think any of your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them.
Tight Lines!
Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?
Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!
Here’s what you’ll receive today:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Click here to join today.
Related categories:

Do what the “SMART ANGLERS” are doing and join the Insider Club.
Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Great page to bookmark for anyone, but especially those of us newer to saltwater fishing.
Awesome blog! Thanks so much for the great information. It is very well written and there is such a good variety of topics.
No y’all ROCK The realest info yet…. Thanks