Are You Making One Of These Mistakes When Fishing For Redfish?
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing, Redfish Fishing Tips

Do you want to know the #1 “Redfish Skunk Factor” that you suffer from?
But first, you are probably wondering what in the heck is a Redfish Skunk Factor?
Let me explain…
Back in 2016, we built the ultimate “How To Catch Redfish“ online course after doing a lot of research both on and off of the water.
And from the survey-based research that we gathered from reaching out to thousands of anglers from various regions and experience levels, we learned that…
Every single angler suffered from at least ONE of SIX core MISTAKES when it came to CONSISTENTLY CATCHING REDFISH.
And as a precursor to our online fishing course, we just put all six of the mistakes (aka “skunk factors”, aka “killers”) into a FREE survey, and then created custom “Fishing Tip Videos” on how to “Fix” each skunk factor.
Check it out below and find out what your #1 Redfish Skunk Factor is.
Important Note: You will be asked to provide your email right before you get your free custom video training.
This is for two reasons:
- So we can email you the free video fishing tip so you can watch it whenever you want
- So we only send you relevant future fishing tips based on your redfish skunk factor
There will also be an opportunity to get full access to a private redfish course after your free tip.
Click here to take the Redfish Skunk Factor Survey
(and find out which one you suffer from)
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- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
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- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
I am in Port Aransas for a month. Wade fishing and looking for access places. What’s being caught?
How many red fish have you caught this year
Great videos…. I went to Bay Pines last Sunday to try out a new spot… I had a great time on my Freedom Electric Twin Troller… but is sure was windy so I went around the backside of the park and across the water to the boat docks, I got there early (7:30) and got out on the water to discover I left my 3/0 owners at home so I had to use the 2/0 that I had with me…. didn’t catch a thing for the 6 hours I was out there, nothing new for me though… I am new to the Tampa fishing game and I have A LOT to learn, not going to give up… it got just too hot and windy to stick it out for the incoming tide to I called it a day… I did not take any live bait as I am trying to fish artificial only… It was still a great day on the water and I know success will come with patience…. thanks for all your help, I know I now have an advantage
…. by the way… got my hat and the other goodies today… thanks so much.. the hat is great and the hooks will be invaluable… I will be getting more of them… but you only need one right???… I wish!!!…
Dave Dysart