3 Reasons Why Your Bait Should Take A Backseat To This…


Your bait is NOT that important…

Yep, I said it, “Your bait is NOT the most critical piece of the fishing puzzle.”

This might sound counterintuitive or even controversial to what you have heard in the past, but I think you will understand the truth to this statement shortly.

It sure was an eye-opener for me…

And know that what I am about to share with you is something that pro anglers and fishing guides already know.

So this blog (and accompanying free webinar training video by my brother Luke, our Chief Fishing Addict) really applies to the weekend warrior angler.

This also applies more to inshore anglers than offshore anglers, but even the offshore guys and gals will be able to relate.

But before I reveal how Luke helped me (and can help you) catch more fish in less time with a pretty cool (free) trick, let me tell you a quick fishing story.

Are you tired of fishing the same old spots over and over again?

Then watch this FREE webinar training where you will discover how to find the best inshore spots in your area.

Register here now (before the webinar goes down)!

My Botched Kayak Fishing Story

hidden saltwater kayak
Here’s me (smiling) BEFORE my skunked kayak fishing day

A while back, my brother Luke and I lived on Little Gasparilla Island (small island only accessible by boat about an hour south of Sarasota) for the entire month.

We fished every day, filmed a ton of fishing videos, created an amazing experience for a Wounded Warrior, and had an overall amazing time.

During one of the very first days on the island, I decided to head out in the kayak one morning by myself.

I took just one rod, a couple of my very best artificial lures, and one bottle of water as I wasn’t planning on being out there that long… but my competitive nature eventually got the best of me, and I ended up covering a TON of distance in the kayak, catching nothing but one jack, and ended up with worn out arms and a back instead of a worn out fishing leader…

FOUR hours later…

As I arrived back at the dock, I kept thinking to myself,

“What did I do wrong? I had my very best lures that were catching a ton of inshore fish just yesterday, I was in areas that looked like redfish and trout magnets, and I was even in a quiet kayak, so I certainly wasn’t spooking the fish…”

I just couldn’t figure it out.

I got back to the island house, and of course, the first thing out of Luke’s mouth was, “How many fish did you catch?”

“Just one jack,” I replied a bit shamefully after being gone almost 4 hours.

Then Luke asked me the question that hit me like a box of rocks… a question that I won’t forget.

He said, “Well did you scout out the flats online to find all of the best holes around here before you left?”

[Deer in headlights look by yours truly]

I knew I was busted.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean did you spend some time online doing any research on the area… finding holes, seeing what structure is down there, and seeing if there are any hidden coves or lakes (turns out there were)”? said Luke.

We both already knew the answer, so I simply hung my head and said, “No.”

But what I really meant was, “Nope, I just went out and hit the water full of energy with my favorite lures just hoping I would stumble upon some fish in areas that looked good.”

Probably the same thing most weekend warrior anglers like me do.

You get your rods, throw on some sunscreen quickly, you grab your tackle box, you get the cooler ready, and you head out the door as fast as you can just praying the fish will be biting that day in your favorite spots.

Are you tired of fishing the same old spots over and over again?

Then watch this FREE webinar training where you will discover how to find the best inshore spots in your area.

Register here now (before the webinar goes down)!

Luke’s Fishing Secret

Now it all made sense why my brother was able to catch so many fish so fast when exploring new areas.

This was the answer to how Luke could go out on the same kayak trip, in the same area as me, and get an inshore slam (redfish, snook, and trout) in a fraction of the time it took me to catch a single jack.

And it also made sense as to why my brother would hover over his computer for about 10-20 minutes looking at Google maps (and even Mapquest & Bing – I’ll let you watch Luke’s trick on that in a second) before every fishing expedition to a new area.

To him, getting on the computer and checking out the hidden holes was the most critical part of the entire trip.

It trumped everything!

Including his tackle, the tides, the wind, the moon phase, etc.

So What Are The Three Reasons Your Bait Could Be Practically Useless (most especially for weekend warrior anglers like me that don’t do the proper planning)…

fishing location

Just like any good real estate agent will tell you, It’s All About:

  1. Location
  2. Location
  3. Location

Or more specifically, Your Fishing Location.

Even the most magical lure on the planet can’t catch a fish if it doesn’t get presented anywhere near a fish.

Let me show you how Luke continues to out-fish pretty much everyone I know…

How To Use Online Maps To Catch More Fish FASTER

Earlier I promised that I would show you Luke’s private webinar training video on how he uses the Internet to find the perfect fishing location for any situation… pretty much anywhere he goes.

If you made it this far with me, the webinar video below is all yours to enjoy.

I am certain that you will get something out of this like I did, and you will see that when you do this correctly, catching fish will become a whole lot easier.

And even though your bait/lure is a critical piece of the puzzle, it pales in comparison to always being able to find where all of the fish are…

Just remember before you ever hit the water, it’s all about Location, Location, Location…

Simply click the picture below or Click This Link and you will be instantly taken to the video.

how to find inshore fishing spots
Screenshot from the free how to find spots webinar (click image to watch webinar)


If you look in any of the fishing magazines, visit ICAST, or watch fishing TV shows, it can be easy to forget that lures and bait aren’t the most important piece of the fish catching puzzle.

Let’s face it, if you can’t find the fish, no amount of lures or blacked out live wells is going to help you catch more fish.

Don’t be the weekend warrior that spends more time focused on the bait or lure color than finding spots.

At the end of the day, you will have a more enjoyable experience (and more fish pics to show your friends) if you spend more time finding the fish.

As Abraham Lincoln famously said, “Give me just six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”

Focus on what’s most important first.

To learn more about how to find the best spots using online maps, click here now.

Are you tired of fishing the same old spots over and over again?

Then watch this FREE webinar training where you will discover how to find the best inshore spots in your area.

Register here now (before the webinar goes down)!

P.S. – If you’re interested in learning how to catch inshore slams (snook, redfish, and trout) on a consistent basis, then be sure to read Luke’s Inshore Fishing Manifesto because it describes his 3 breakthroughs which helped him quickly go from hoping to catch at least one fish per day to consistently catching slams… even when using 100% artificial lures.

P.P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would enjoy this post, please Tag them or Share this with them. It would mean a lot to me. Pa-POW!

Fish On!

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9 years ago

Man this is a great if not the best tool to plan and scout your striking zones. I used google maps before for fishing but not for planning, scouting good fishin’ spots. And your right a lot of fishermen don’t probably scout usin’ electronic satellite maps. Thanks for info Salt Strong!! -Christopher

9 years ago


Really good info in this as well as your other post on using Google, Bing and Mapquest to explore areas. Every time I watch/read them I learn a little more. However I have a question pertaining to depth. Is there a secret in determining the depth of the water by it’s color on any of the maps you are using or does it just come with experience? I Know that dark blue/green is deep, what I’m trying to figure out is if there is a way to determine the difference in depth on the flats, which could vary from 16″ to 6 ft, especially over grass and sand holes?

Am I missing something, is there maybe a way to measure depth using these maps?

Any advice would be appreciated.



Luke Simonds
9 years ago
Reply to  GD

Hey GD, thanks so much for the kind words! Glad to see that you’re enjoying the tips. Yes, reading the depths of flats on satellite maps is more of an art than science. It takes some trial and error, but you’ll find that you get better and better as time goes on.

It’s all about noticing the small changes in the shade and clarity of the bottom… the clearer you can see bottom contour, the shallower it is. And then the clarity of the bottom gets hazed and the shade gets darker as it gets deeper.


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