6 Different Types Of Redfish Anglers. Which One Are You?
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing, Redfish Fishing Tips
Do you know what kind of redfish angler you are?
A few months ago we sent over 7,300 emails to inshore anglers (from newbs to weekend warriors to pro fishing guides) asking them one question:
“What is your #1 challenge when it comes to catching consistent redfish?”
The replies shocked us!
Because every single response we received (even from full-time fishing captains) fell into one of six redfish mistakes.
We broke down these six most popular redfish mistakes into a custom survey that we call the “Redfish Skunk Factor Analysis Tool”.
Are you ready to find out your #1 Redfish Skunk Factor?
Then click the red button and watch the brief video to start the free redfish analysis survey so you can find out your #1 redfish skunk factor.
It’s 100% FREE!
Watch the brief video below to learn more about the six redfish skunk factors.
And look below the video to see the list of the six different Redfish Skunk Factors.
The Six Redfish “Skunk Factors”
Here are the six different redfish skunk factors:
- Wrong Spot Willie
- Two-Spot Charlie
- Moon Phase Marvin
- Incoming Tide Terry
- Bait Shop Barry
- Fish Detractor Frank
Ready to find out which type you are?
Click the button below to start the FREE redfish survey now!
P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!
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Here’s an updated link: https://saltstrongdev.wpengine.com/redfish-skunk-factor-tool/