Say Goodbye to Bad Casts! Beginner Tips for Spinning Reels
- By: Pat Ogletree
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing, Weekly Newsletter: 12-08-24

If you’re new to fishing and having trouble with casting, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there—trying to figure out how much line to let out, dealing with wind knots, or just not getting the distance we want.
That’s why I put together a quick video with some essential tips that are aimed at beginners.
In this video, I’ll share the basics every new angler needs to know, including:
- The perfect distance between your lure and the rod tip for smooth, accurate casts.
- A simple trick to keep slack out of your line (especially on windy days).
- One habit that will save you from frustrating wind knots and tangles.
Whether you’re casting for the first time or just trying to clean up your technique, this video will help you hit the water with more confidence.
🎥 Watch the video below
Tight lines,
Salt Strong Coach
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Thanks Pat, going to practice to make a perfect cast.
Thanks for the advice. I have been having some wind knots when casting on windy days, so I will try this to eliminate my troubles.
Thanks for the info looking forward to trying the feathering the line
Let us know how it works out for you!
I appreciate the tip of feathering the line. Here in Texas we always have wind and get the bow in the line. Thanks.
It seems to never stop blowing! Hope this tips help!
I do that just from habit now 🙂 my only downfall is having to always deal with 13+ MPH winds.
They just never seem to be calm
That wind just won’t let up! I used to not like fishing in the wind in a bad way but Ive learned to like it as long as it’s safe.
Gotta ask .. why NEVER engage the bail with the reel handle ? Personally I feather the line with my right index finger but will sure try the cupping method. 40+ year habits are hard to break though.
However you feather the line is fine, as long as you know a way you’re comfortable with.
The reason to close the bail by hand, doing it with the handle can cause loose line on the spool and extra twisting. Closing it by hand and giving the line a little tug will eliminate that.
I will have to give that a try.
Let us know how it goes!
Thanks Pat, great tips for the windy days!
Glad you liked it Dan!
Awesome video and great advice Pat, job well done ..
Thank you sir! Appreciate it!
Thanks Pat. Very helpful tips.
Happy to hear that you liked it!