Cast Net Throwing Tips From 5 Top Saltwater Anglers [VIDEOS]
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Cast Nets

It’s cast net time!
A few months ago we posted a very popular blog called, “How To Throw A Cast Net With Or Without Using Your Mouth” (you can see the full blog here).
In that video post, Luke did perhaps one the most in-depth cast net tutorials (and analysis) on how to throw a large cast net.
He covered everything from:
- How to prevent the most common mistakes anglers make when throwing a cast net
- How to throw a 10ft cast net with and without using your mouth
- And he even strategically placed colored tape around the edges so you could see exactly where each area of the net should land in a perfect pancake
But just as all fishing tips have slightly different versions that can work well depending on the user, there are also many different ways to throw a cast net… not to mention, different size cast nets require different techniques.
So we decided to put together this post of top cast net tips that included some of the best overall cast netting tips we could find on the web (by anglers that you might recognize as well).
Hope you enjoy.
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Note: These videos are in no particular order.
1. How To Consistently Throw A 10ft Cast Net Pancake
Here is Luke Simonds from Salt Strong with that in-depth cast net pancake analysis I mentioned earlier.
Really cool to see where each piece of the net falls when he uses the bright tape on the sides.
2. One Handed Lunkerdog Chunk (Without Getting Wet)
Certainly, the most entertaining (and yet still educational) cast net tip of this post is done by none other than our friend Lunkerdog.
Watch as Capt. Jeff Maggio (aka Lunkerdog) reveals his top-secret “One Hand Lunkerdog Chunk”.
You can’t stop Lunkerdog, you can only hope to contain him…
Run That Dog!
3. How To Throw A 10-Foot Cast Net The Easy Way
Our friend Chasten Whitfield has been throwing pancakes with her cast net since she was a toddler! She’s that good.
Watch Chasten spell out exactly where the net should be before and after the toss.
You can see the full blog post from Chasten here.
4. How To Throw a 10-ft Cast Net Without Using Your Mouth
Angler Jessica Jae is no stranger to being on Salt Strong.
And we’d like to think it was all of the wild publicity from our blog post with Jessica Jae called “This Girl Throws a 10ft Cast Net Better Than Most Men!” that spurred her into doing an awesome cast net “how to.”
Either way, glad she made this cast net throwing video.
Keep up the great work Jessica!
Want to catch more CONSISTENT Inshore Fish?
Then join our Private Inshore Fishing Club here.
5. How To Throw A Cast Net Like The Spanish Fly
If you were anything like me, you grew up watching the Spanish Fly (Jose Wejebe) every weekend on TV.
He was incredibly entertaining, always full of energy, and always catching monster fish!
Sadly, the fishing world lost this great man way too early, but his legacy, his passion, and his fishing videos still live on.
One of our most popular blogs ever “The Complete List: 85 Must Know Florida Saltwater Anglers” was dedicated to the late Spanish Fly.
Rest in peace Jose.
Bonus Cast Net Tip
If you throw your cast net a lot, you will quickly realize that they take quite a beating after a long day of live bait fishing.
And there’s nothing worse than having to keep buying new nets because they weren’t properly cared for while not in use.
Here are a few tips to help make your cast net last longer.
“How To Care For Your Cast Net”
As you can see above, there is no “One Way” to properly throw a cast net.
Just like hitting a baseball or a golf ball, everyone has their own little tweaks they make in order to feel the most comfortable when tossing a pancake into live bait…
Hopefully, you can perfect you cast net pancake toss after watching these five cast net videos.
Certainly a few nuggets of wisdom to grab from each one.
Big thanks to each of the top anglers that created a cast net throwing video.
Related Video: How To Catch Pinfish for Bait WITHOUT a Cast Net or Pinfish Trip [VIDEO]
Want to catch more CONSISTENT Inshore Fish?
Then join our Private Inshore Fishing Club here.
P.S. – If you think your friends would like this cast net tutorial, then please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!
Fish On.
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I find it helpful to know that it’s important to take good care of your cast net because they take quite a beating after a long day of live bait fishing. My friend Robert plans on buying a pocket cast net soon because he and his father plan to go fishing when he visits. I’ll share this tip of yours with my friend through chat or email. Thanks!
How the net hold the fish
I was going to join but after the lunkerdog video of basically go f your self if you can’t do it. I did not want to find out that all the videos maybe in this format
Hey Tony, these videos have nothing to do with joining our Insider club (if that’s what you are referring to). This was on old curated post we did two years from other people on the internet just showing their different styles. Hope to see you in the club! Don’t hesitate to reach out if we can help you or better serve you in any way.
good information, what would be the best net on a budget for a 1st-time net caster?