Why This Fishing YouTuber Ditched Medical School To Fish
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing, Fishing Interview, Salt Strong Podcast

It’s podcast time!
A lot of you have asked me to get this guy on the podcast for some time and we finally made it happen!
This week I got to talk to Viktor Hluben from Landshark Outdoors, where he talks about everything from ditching medical school to do YouTube full time, to the biggest mistakes that newbies make when they’re fishing.
You’ll learn:
- Why land-based fishermen become some of the best fishermen
- How he got his big break and went viral (while working part-time at a valet)
- Why he took a break from YouTube
- Why you need to evolve to be successful (applies to YouTube, fishing, and life in general)
If you’re a fan of Viktor and Landshark Outdoors you definitely don’t want to miss this episode!
Click the play button below to listen here, or check it out on iTunes or Stitcher.
Note: Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the Fish Strong podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.
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Why This YouTuber Ditched Med School To Fish
Note: don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.
What did you think?
Do you have any questions for Viktor?
Let us know in the comments below!
You can check him out at Landshark Outdoors on:
2 Record BREAKING Fish in 1 Day!
Catch Clean Cook (GIANT Flounder)
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Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).