Weekly Newsletter: 2-2-20
Happy February Salt Strong Nation!
Did you have a good week on the water?
We’ve had TONS of people sharing some great reports of sheepshead caught under bridges and trout, snook, redfish, and flounder caught in the backcountry.
I hope you got in on that action!
Here’s a great newsletter for you with some helpful rigging tips, dock fishing tips, and an incredible live podcast with an unfortunate (and very expensive) ending.
Also, shoutout to Insider member, Vincent, for the awesome sheepshead shot featured above!
On to the newsletter!
P.S. Want to unlock the exclusive Insider tips? Click here to join us in the Insider Club.
Join in on this LIVE podcast as Luke and I fish bridges for sheepshead and snapper. We'll share tips on how to fish bridges, how to rig shrimp, and...
How To Tie A Dropper Rig (The Quick & Easy Way)
Have you tried the dropper rig yet? This rig is awesome for fishing live bait near structure like bridges and docks for sheepshead, snapper and black drum.
Smart Fishing Game Plan For This Weekend [Jan 31st to Feb 2nd]
This video shows a game plan that you can use to catch some great fish this coming weekend based on the recent trends and the upcoming weather.
Top 3 Sight Fishing Mistakes (That Most Fishermen Make)
Most anglers don't catch fish while sight fishing because of these 3 common mistakes (that are easy to fix). Are you making one of these mistakes?
How To Make A High Low Rig (For Sheepshead & Snapper)
Want to learn how to tie the high low rig? In this video, we'll show you exactly how to tie it, plus share the pros and cons of this rig.
Inner Circle Live Video Lesson, Q&A, And Related Links [1-30-20]
I’m pleased to report that we had another fun Inner Circle call! Huge thanks for all of the great questions that were asked. Here’s a...
[Insider Q & A] Tips For Fishing Docks With Strong Current
Dock fishing can be tough in strong current, but there are a few tips you can use to help increase your success. In this video,...
Using Online Maps to Find Deeper Areas In Murky Water [Spot Dissection Near Edisto Island, SC]
In this video we will be talking about how to find deeper areas in murky water using online maps. There are a few things you...
Strong Angler Of The Week: Eric Mielke
What a fun day of grocery shopping! Check out the story of Eric taking his family out and putting them on grouper, sheepshead, black drum and flounder!
The Story Of The Seahunter (Capt. Rob Fordyce AKA Voodoo Daddy)
Capt. Rob Fordyce has been a tournament angler, guide, and tv show host for over 30 years. In this episode he's sharing stories, tips and tactics about...