How to Tie The Bimini Twist Knot [Video]
- By: Luke Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Fishing Knots, Braid Loop Knot

Fishing knots can be intimidating sometimes… there are just so many knots, so many opinions on knots, so many twists, and so many different fishing scenarios to think about.
And out of all the fishing knots out there, the Bimini Twist knot seems to be the one that intimidates people the most. For some reason, anglers think it’s overly difficult, or that it is only for the experts… and those thoughts couldn’t be any further from the truth.
In fact, the Bimini Twist is one of the most basic knots out there. In reality, all this knot does is it creates a loop by making a series of twists in the line and then wrapping the twists onto themselves.
Steps to Tie a Bimini Twist
- Double over the line (use at least 10 inches of doubled line so you can have a good grip)
- Make 20 to 25 twists in the doubled line
- Attached the loop to a fixed object (reel handle, knee, chair arm, etc.)
- Condense the twists into a small region
- Overlay the 2nd half to the twists over the first by lessoning the tension in the tag end (see video below)
- Tie 3 half hitch knots to lock in the bimini twist
- Cut the tag end
Video Tutorial of the Bimini Twist
Once you have the loop, you can then use it to tie off to your leader line… the most popular knots for that seem to be the Bristol knot of the Yucatan knot… check out the “Knots for Braided Line” in our Fishing Knots 101 post to see more options.
If you have any questions about how to tie the Bimini Twist or if you have any favorite connects to use with it other than the Bristol or Yucatan knot options, please leave a comment below.
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Hey Luke ! Good job. Can you tell me how long the Bimini should be and what does the length depend on ?
If you’re using braid, I recommend against the Bimini Twist because the FG knot has proven to be stronger while also being faster to tie than the bimini plus the extra knot needed to connect to the leader. Here’s a test of the bimini vs the FG in case you’d like to see it:
Thanks. Great demo! Always wanted to see how that was tied.👍
I have just spooled 65# spectra on my offshore tuna popping rod…do you recommend using a bimini twist loop on the main line so I can connect my leader with a loop to loop knot? Did I make a mistake not using hollow core? Thanks!
I do not recommend the loop to loop connection with a bimini. Instead, connect it so the leader with a no name knot or double uni (or an FG knot if you’re leader is 100lb or more).
Thank you!
I agree, Luke. Another great video tutorial and the easiest way to tie a short bimini twist for inshore and light tackle fishing. For offshore trolling,, there are major benefits to a longer biminl. It serves as a shock leader and also makes it much easier for the mate to handle the line when boating the fish. For most offshore species such as dolphin, kings, wahoo, etc., a five or six foot loop is fine. A good rule of thumb is to make the loop about the same length as your rod. When fishing for large game fish such as marlin, you may want to go even longer. IGFA rules allow a maximum length of 30 feet, with a maximum length of 40 feet for the combined double line and leader. It’s much easier to tie bimini loops over six feet with a helper but it can be done single handed by putting the loop over a piling, a chair back, etc. A five or six foot biminl is very easy to tie unassisted by stepping on the loop with both feet and bringing the loop around the outside of both knees with your knees togerther. After making all of the wraps up the line, begin tightening the wraps by drawing down the tag end and main line, gradually spreading your knees until the wraps are tight and even, then begin relaxing the tension on the tag end while maintaining tension at the bottom with your spread knees and allowing the top wraps to begin doubling back towards the loop. It should do so almost automatically as you gradually release the tension at the top. I finish the knot a little differently. First, I make two separate half hitches, one around each strand of the loop. Lastly I do a three turn loop a round both strands. The bimini twist is a great knot for offshore trolling (almost an esential in my opinion).
As for leader knots, the Bristol is the best I’ve found and isn’t difficult after a few practice sessions. However my go to knot remains the uni to uni, tied as shown in this video :
Thanks for leaving the very helpful comment about the Bimini twist Jim!
Malcolm Hayward
Brilliant little vid and the FG is a new knot for me. I am convinced. It ties up like a mono to mono tournament “Blob” knot.
May I recommend a “Gemini Big Rig Jig”, the two parts mount a few feet apart on a board or 30ft apart on a wall. LOL.
My board is 3ft long so my jig is long enough for beach rigs but I can tuck it away out of sight, afterwards.
Really should have bought one 20 years ago when they 1st came out.
Use hex keyed screws to mount the sections, no straight shot with a screwdriver. LOL.
“”. Usual disclaimers, just a customer.
Use a fat crochet hook for the line twisting and separating on the Bimini. Much easier.
Again, leave the Bimini in the jig when tying on the FG.
We rub “super glues” into our braid knots as protection against abrasion.
Trying the “Gorilla” super glue, it claims to be rubberised so flexible. We will see.
Again, the jig helps here.
For monos, read Richard Walkers knot chapter in “Still Water Angling”.
Meet the “Grinner”. Richard’s work was on wet strength.
I prefer to cleat above 60lbs. A soft line like “Amnesia” cuts itself under high sustained load.
As an aside, long IGFA type doubled line needs to be served at intervals for manageability.
Best Rgds.
Thanks Luke, great video.
Hey Tom, I’m glad to see that you enjoyed this Bimini Twist knot video… Fish On!
The very best tutorial I have seen on tying a Bimini twist knot. Really good video!
Thanks for the nice comment Mel! Fish On!