How To Use Blackout Chum Powder To Consistently Catch Great Bait

Blackout chum powder is the chum you need to consistently catch baitfish like whitebait, pilchards, pinfish, and many more.

Just like all fishing products, it’s crucial to make sure that you’re using them to the fullest extent.

This post will show you the core lessons you’ll need to know in order to make sure you maximize your success with this great chum.

Here are the lessons:

  • How to use chum powder to catch baitfish
  • The #1 mistake to avoid
  • How to position yourself for success
  • Anchoring tips

Just click on the respective videos below to see the details:

How To Use Chum Powder

Click here to buy Blackout Chum Powder

Equipment Needed:

  1. Blackout Chum
  2. Blackout Chum Scoop 
  3. Empty Bucket
  4. Water (Seawater works great)


  1. Simply use the 2-to-1 Blackout Chum powder to water ratio
    • 2 scoops of Blackout Chum per 1 scoop of water
  2. Mix the chum powder and water together in the bucket
  3. Form the chum mix into small chum balls and toss into water on a consistent basis to form the chum slick
  4. It’s Blackout time, baby!!!

The #1 Mistake

How To Position

Anchoring Tips


Blackout Chum Powder is the best chum for consistently catching qualify baitfish throughout all seasons.

When you follow the core tactics and strategies shown in the videos above, you’ll be able to consistently catch whitebait, pilchards, scaled sardines, pinfish, and many other species.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to use the Comments section below because we’ll be quick to respond.

Tight Lines!

Click here to buy Blackout Chum Powder

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Ted Berrian
1 year ago

Has Blackout Chum Powder ever gotten back in stock

Lyle Crafton
1 year ago
Reply to  Ted Berrian

I do a 50 pound bag of Purina Game Fish Chow. Cheapest I’ve found it is at Tractor Supply for about $50. A dollar a pound, not bad. It comes as pellets which I grind up in small batches with a yard sale blender. I use a Large plastic coffee can that I mix up small batches on the water with a little water and a few squirts of menhaden oil. Make small balls and let the fun begin.

Santiago Loa Jr
1 year ago
Reply to  Lyle Crafton

Well, I know what the kids and I are using this weekend. Thanks for the tip, Lyle!

Steven Hite
3 years ago

Does it work well for mullet?

Wayne Lea
3 years ago
Reply to  Luke Simonds

I mainly catch and fish with mullet in the Laguna Madre and just today bought some Blackout. Does it not work at all for mullet? If not any suggestions for a chum for mullet?

Will Driggers
3 years ago

Great video Luke! Just purchased a bag of Black Out and can’t wait to try it. For those of us who fish and throw cast nets from a kayak, would you recommend making the chum balls ahead of time? Maybe placing them in a zip lock bag until we get to the spot to start chumming? I always try to take as little as possible on the kayak.

Thanks again for the great education!

Last edited 3 years ago by Will Driggers
3 years ago

Planning to fish the Steinhatchee area, is the white bait typically caught in that area in August

John Frymier
3 years ago

I’ve come to the same conclusion about using a pole as an anchor – it works great. I have something called a “Superstick” – a 6 foot pole that telescopes to 12 feet, and when extended fits nicely in the pole holder on my 16 foot skiff. I have a 20 foot Moonlighter, but for 95% of what I do, it just gets in the way so it spends most of the time hanging in the garage. I’ve also got a Micro Powerpole, which generally works well, but I have two problems with it – 1) around here there are a lot of oyster shells on the bottom, even though you might not seem to be near a bed. When the Micropole goes down, it almost always drags a little bit and this often makes hellacious noise. 2) beware a falling tide – if you deploy this thing, get busy fishing and the tide falls 6 inches, it will get jammed up and blow the fuse – then you’re really screwed with the thing stuck in the down position.

Curt Harrell
3 years ago

Love these mini lesson. Quick and to the point. Keep’em coming.

Edgar Floyd Jr.
3 years ago

Thanks for the information. Looking forward to trying it.

Ron Artigue
3 years ago

Hey Luke, have you ever tried a “cajun anchor”? These are solid stainless rods that come in multiple lengths like 4 and 6 feet. The weight drives them into the bottom to hold fast. They are much shorter than the pole you are using and may be a better option for those who would have trouble storing/running with a larger pole. Micro poles from Power-Pole work great too for smaller boats; Its tall pole stores in the unit while running and can be engaged while fishing to hold boat in place or just to move it out of the way for fishing. It is expensive however, but they have a great 2 year warranty I use both on my 16 foot aluminum bass boat here in the salt marsh in Louisiana.

3 years ago

I just purchased the Black out chum power to cast net for bait from the shore. is this a possibility as I do not own a boat but like using fresh bait I don’t have to pay for.

Jason Duncan
3 years ago
Reply to  Anthony
3 years ago

Can’t wait to try this out. Thanks for the mini course


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