How To Use A Kayak Anchor Trolley System [VIDEO]
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing

If you were anything like me and grew up fishing in a canoe or old school kayak, then you probably recall the most sophisticated anchoring method available in the good ol’ days…
Your dad’s old dumbbell’s tied to a rope… right?
You tossed the dumbell in the water as quietly as you could, and started casting.
Pretty simple (but not very effective when you consider the weight, the noise it made hitting the water, etc.)
Well today, the anchoring systems that come in one-man fishing vessels (such as a kayak) have come a long way.
From Power poles to pushpins with trolley anchoring systems, today’s inshore angler has some big advantages if they know how to use them.
And in this video tutorial below, Tony Acevedo from Salt Strong covers how to properly anchor your kayak using a trolley system.
Kayak Anchor Trolley System Video
Pretty cool to see how an anchor trolley can help you position yourself into a perfect casting situation.
Simple to use, doesn’t take much space, and a must-have when fishing windy conditions on the flats.
Do you have any other great tips when it comes to using a trolley system on a kayak?
Let us know in the comments.
Related Post: “11 Essential Kayak Fishing Tips For Newbies” (click here to see it now)
P.S. – If you think your angler friends or fishing networks would like to see this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!
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Hey Tony. What do you do for deeper water and wanting to anchor? Have you ever used the anchor wizard with the trolly?
I love the advantages of the anchor pin, but still recommend having a drop anchor on board. I fish a lot of places that have rocky bottoms and huge variances in water level, so sometimes the pin just won’t suffice.