Inshore Fishing Manifesto – Your FREE Guide To More Snook, Redfish, and Trout
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Secrets, Fishing Tips, Inshore Fishing

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Many of you might not know this (if you haven’t read my “Joe Simonds” bio on the Salt Strong page), but I have actually been away from “consistent” saltwater fishing for some time…
And by “consistent” I mean that I was only able to go saltwater fishing once or twice per year over the last 4 years…
But trust me, it wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy saltwater fishing…
And it certainly wasn’t because saltwater fishing wasn’t on my mind…
It was just that “LIFE” kind of got in the way.
You see, I fell in love with a girl from Savannah, GA a little over six years ago…
Shortly after we were married she was transferred to a hospital system in Austin, TX…
Then Houston, TX…
Then we had our first daughter…
Then we moved to Atlanta…
Then we had a second daughter just nine months ago while living in Atlanta…
And now we are finally moving back to Tampa, Florida (and might already be in Tampa by the time you read this).
But let me tell you, for a guy that used to live for inshore fishing, spent my savings on fishing gear, and to have had a dream to start a saltwater fishing company since college (and proud to say my brother Luke and I are finally living out the dream with Salt Strong), only getting to go inshore fishing (my favorite type of saltwater fishing) once or twice per year is downright BRUTAL…
Not to mention, you lose touch with what lures work during certain times…
It takes you longer to find fish…
Heck, I even forgot how to tie my favorite knots during a few long non-fishing spans…
Had it not been for my brother Luke (who was consistently out on the water almost every week since he lived in Florida), the vast majority of my sporadic fishing expeditions over the past 4 years would have ended up in frustration from only catching “junk fish” like catfish and ladyfish…
I tell you all of this to make sure you understand that I was only able to get out and wet a line once or twice per year max during those 4 years before I reveal the almost unbelievable fishing story that happened to me recently…
Related Post: Inshore Fishing 101: The Ultimate Inshore Fishing Resource (see it here now)
A “Slammin” Fishing Story
This is CRAZY:
Let me tell you the fishing story that happened to me this past month…
And then I will share with you how we (Luke and I) did it.
As I mentioned earlier, the last year of my life has been wild.
My wife gave birth to a second child, I was in the midst of growing a financial marketing company from the ground up, then I was in the midst of selling the company at the end of last year….that being said, my only free time was hanging out in Atlanta with my growing family.
Unfortunately, inshore fishing had taken a back seat…BIG TIME.
However, the tides started turning in terms of getting me back on the water when Salt Strong was finally formed and taken live on January 1, 2015.
In fact, I have probably done more inshore fishing in the past four months than the prior 10 years combined…
Regarding Salt Strong, one of the first things Luke and I wanted to do was a month-long event where we fished together, talked about how we can achieve our goals of teaching more people how to fish, and to also create an over the top experience for a Wounded Warrior while we were down there.
And I am proud to say that we accomplished all three objectives.
But something else important happened while we were down on that island…
I got my “fishing game” back.
And it came back QUICK.
As in so quick that my old fishing buddies were shocked by how many snook, redfish, and trout we were catching every day…
That I was getting text messages from my old pals after they kept seeing my Instagram and Facebook page blowing up with fish, after fish, after fish…
To the tune of 9 (NINE) Inshore Slams in a row.
That’s right, nine days in a row Luke and I caught at least one (if not more) snook, redfish, and sea trout…
But that isn’t even the best part!
For 6 out of the 9 inshore slams in a row, we didn’t even hit the water until close to 5pm (after working some days, hitting the beach some days, etc).
We caught every single snook…
Every single redfish…
And every single trout…
For 9 Days in a Row…
That’s right, we caught 9 inshore slams in a row without tossing our cast net a single time…
Or without ever having to rely on live bait…
It wasn’t until the Wounded Warrior came that we finally brought out any live bait.
And let me remind you (because I wouldn’t have believed it myself just a year ago) that the majority of these inshore slams were caught in two hours or less each day.
So if you made it this far, you must be wondering…
“How did you catch so many inshore fish in such a short amount of time…on artificial lures…with no fishing guide…in such short time spans?”
Well it all boiled down to 3 Simple Inshore Fishing Breakthroughs that took my brother Luke countless hours, countless dollars, and many frustrating days on the water to figure it all out…
Fortunately for me, Luke finally shared all of his inshore breakthroughs with me when we started Salt Strong.
Clearly it made an immediate impact on me because prior to this year, it was like winning the Tour de France for me if I had an inshore slam in a single day.
And that was usually after being on the water for 6-7 hours!
To think that I could catch at least one nice snook, redfish, or trout practically anytime I hit the water would have sounded absurd to me just a year ago.
But I have studied Luke’s teachings, I have watched him closely, and the proof is in the pudding.
And the best news for you is that I have convinced him to put all 3 Inshore Breakthroughs in a PDF for you…completely for FREE…
Luke calls it “The Inshore Fishing Manifesto”.
Now you might also be wondering, why in the heck would Luke give out these powerful fish-catching breakthroughs to you for FREE?
Well because our mission truly is to teach the world how to catch more fish.
And we also know that the majority of inshore anglers like you that read the Free Inshore Fishing Manifesto are so impressed that they want to become Salt Strong Plus Insiders (which gives us the chance to build a relationship with anglers like you, give you even more shortcuts, and even nice discounts on all GoPro products, Yeti products, and more).
But either way, we hope you enjoy the 3 FREE Inshore Breakthroughs…
The Inshore Fishing Manifesto
So are you ready to finally discover the 3 Inshore Fishing Breakthrough’s that my brother Luke has used to revolutionize his (and many others like myself) fishing game.
I will warn you now, what you are about to read could be a bit controversial compared to what you been told in the past.
Click the button or the book cover image below to receive The Inshore Fishing Manifesto for FREE.
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Do what the “SMART ANGLERS” are doing and join the Insider Club.
Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).