New Area, New Tackle, and New Trucks! [LIVE Podcast]
- By: Joseph Simonds
- on
- Found In: Fishing Tips, Salt Strong Podcast, Podcast, Weekly Newsletter: 9-22-24

In this episode, Luke and I fish a new area, talk about some new tackle coming soon, and reveal our new truck!
Tight lines and enjoy!
New Area, New Tackle, and New Trucks!
Podcast Notes
There’s a new rod on the way! The upcoming Slam Stick is designed for long casting and a short butt (you’re welcome, kayakers). It’s going to be the best inshore rod under $200. Be on the lookout it in the Salt Strong Tackle Shop soon!
The 5″ Mulligan Bomber is available now and fall is the perfect time step up to this larger bait!
Smart Fishing Spots is your key to pre-planning your trip and selecting which spots to target. In addition to the great features we’ve built in, we’re adding private waypoints and catch logs. All you have to do is upload a photo and it automatically pulled the GPS location to make the spot for you, plus pulling in the date, weather, and tide info. The more you add, the more comprehensive your personal logbook becomes!
Keep your eyes open for more Pro Staffers bringing in local intel into the Community! We’re adding these local guides and serious anglers to expand how much quality info you’re able to get for your area.
Want a chance to win a fishing trip with Luke and Joe? Leave a review for the Smart Fishing Spots app on the App Store or Play Store, screenshot it once it’s live (it takes a few days), and submit it here!
Check out what Coach Pat found out about how boat noises sound underwater!
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More Recent Podcasts:
- The Future Of Online Fishing Entertainment (With Bama Beach Bum)
- Is Salt Strong for Beginners, Weekend Warriors, or Pros?
- Understanding the AE Method (Plus a Surprise Salt Strong Fan)
Insiders Get More!
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These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.
This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.
The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.
Oh, and be sure to sign up for FREE Access to Salt Strong’s 90/10 Zone Newsletter!
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Do what the “SMART ANGLERS” are doing and join the Insider Club.
Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Couple things I donot believe your saltstrong rods are the best considering pat had 2 rods that 1 was a slot machine and the eye broke on it I have NEVER had a problem with any of my now at least 6 years old and still going strong st croix rods also I have been having problems with this so called perfect app well not hardly nothings perfect unless your gods only son Jesus christ and as far as boat noise I knew long time ago that being the most quiet on the water is imperative for best fishing success it’s quite crazy and stupid on how many anglers who I would of thought would know that playing loud music and catching fish is like oil and water in other words leave the music in your truck and not on the water where fish can easily hear it through any hull of either a yak or boat I have literally came to areas I normally fished and was doing great catching fish with ease only for the action to immediatly shutoff because some assclown playing stupid music way ro loud to pull up into my vicinity and I know full well why the fish just shutdown immediatly doesn’t take an Einstein to figure it out I have told alot of guys that I have asked if they did anything only to say no and when asking them heard there music being played I tell them but know they don’t listen but that’s OK more fish for me and maybe they will just get frustrated and quit that way less competition as well it’s all about being stealthy and paying attention something alot of people let alone anglers don’t seem to want to do well so sorry them because it’s there loss not mine I maybe getting old but at least I still have and use common sence if tge world doesn’t anymore that’s there problem enough said🤔
I love my F-150 Lightning! I haven’t had any issues as of yet, so maybe they’ve worked out some of the bugs from the earlier models.
I’ve missed watching these live podcasts, and I have my fingers crossed to fish with the Salt Strong bros.
Regarding the Slam Stick, how does it compare to the highly recommended TFO Pro? Since joining Salt Strong, I’ve probably purchased almost 10 of those rods, and I also own a couple Slot Machine rods now too. Basically, I’m ready to give my money away for the right reason LOL.
Always interesting to watch and listen to you guys, comforting to also see no fish catching, like on my trips. My GMC Canyon has performed well for me for the last 7 years, before that a GMC Sierra AT4, sweet ride and solid truck. BTW, I built a simple rod holder for the back of my truck that safely hold 6 rods for transport. It fits under the front of bed tool box and holds the rods up at an angle above the tail gait above head height when standing behind the truck. No stress on the rods and no banging against anything. Just a simple common sense design with some scrap lumber and plastic rod holders from West Marine. I think the slot machine would transport fine , but I do not own one, TFO Pro is fine for me. Enjoy your new trucks and keep chasing fish.
For some reason your website thinks I am Libby! I am Omer Dumais, but cannot get my account to correct the name error.
Hey Omer! Let me have customer service fix this for you
Even though you only caught one fish on the camera. best video i’ve seen in a couple of months. Live livestream is where it’s at.
Thank you, Houston! We appreciate you!
Have you looked into the Yolotek battery system so you don’t have to constantly replace those GoPro batteries? They have boat, kayak and battery pack systems. May be a candidate for a group discount participant.
I love these on water reports!
I had a Ford F-150 Lightning and absolutely loved everything about it (except for the unreliability). In the first year I owned it, Ford had it for 4 months and wound up repurchasing it from me. Due to the service issues, I refused to go back to Ford and bought a Toyota Tundra and love it! I hope you both get many years of enjoyment from your trucks and that they’re safe and reliable.
Good stuff, Ken! I don’t blame you
Always enjoy these reports. Luke when lightning hit a vehicle it will 99 percent of the time destroy all the modules- PCM , BCM etc…. Can be very expensive to repair. I’m sure you are going through insurance. Good luck!
Would also like to see the glow in a 50 piece bag.
We’ll be getting 50 count bags before the end of this year.
how about 12 packs of other weight hooks like the 1/8 oz. while we’re asking.
Would like to see Salt Strong build a spoon.
A custom weedless spoon is in the works
If you want someone to test out your new fishing rods, please let me know.