The Best Shallow Water Anchoring System Ever Invented


The greatest shallow water anchor ever invented is the Power Pole.

It’s essentially a hydraulic anchor system that will keep you solid in position.

And positioning is KEY when fishing!

So in this new video from Capt. Peter Deeks, you’ll learn some tactics to use with your Power-Pole the next time you’re on the water.

Check it out!

Power-Pole Tactics [VIDEO]

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Power-Pole allows you to maintain a position and be super stealthy when fishing.

They are also VERY easy to use!

One button puts them down, and one button pulls them up.

And the way these Power-Pole anchoring systems are designed, you don’t spin.

When waves or wake come through, the hydraulic fluid pressure keeps the pole down firm to the bottom.

You can also change the speed at which they drop into the water if you’re fishing around spooky fish.

If you have two Power-Poles, you can sync them up so you’re only using one remote.

But you’ll still be able to control them individually at the main controls if you only want to use one at a time.

Have any questions about how to use a Power Pole?

Let me know down in the comments!

And if you know someone who needs anchoring tips, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

P.S. Want access to our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store? Click here to join us in the Insider Club!

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Mike E. Dodd
1 year ago

I have a 15 ft center console Edgewater boat based on what I’m hearing from your video you were recommending two power poles for a larger boat. I’m assuming I will be fine with one. Do you agree? Do you have a recommendation for my size boat?


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