This Is The Simple Trick To Tie The FG Knot In A Kayak [VIDEO]
- By: Luke Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Fishing Knots

It’s FG Knot time again!
After performing countless braid to leader fishing knot contests over the past couple years, the knot that has impressed me the most is the FG knot.
Not only is it the thinnest knot I’ve ever seen, but it also has proven to have the strongest breaking strength for any knot that I’ve been able to find that can be tied without having to use a device or any sort of glue…
Here’s what it looks like up close:
Best of all, it proved to be ~30% stronger than popular braid to leader knots like the Double Uni, Crazy Alberto, Improved Albright, and many other popular fishing knots.
Note: If you haven’t yet seen this knot, then click here to see a detailed tutorial and where you can download a free PDF showing the core steps.
But a problem that has been raised by many kayak anglers is that the FG knot is difficult to tie while sitting down in a kayak.
So I thought I’d make this short video below to show a trick to easily and quickly tying the FG knot in a kayak.
As you’ll see, it’s an easy trick that helps do two things:
- Control – Keeps the rod from swinging around in rough water
- Comfort – Keeps the line in direct line of sight without having to torque neck
How To Tie The FG Knot In A Kayak [VIDEO]
When tying the FG knot in the most efficient manner, you’ll need to secure the braided line in your mouth in order to create the tension you need to then thread the leader onto the line.
But doing so while sitting in a kayak can be a challenge unless you make this one simple adjustment that is surprisingly helpful…
What you’ll need to do is wrap the line around the bottom eye of the rod as shown in the video below:
Note: Click here to see a detailed tutorial on how the knot is tied and to download a free FG Knot Guide.
When in need to re-tying your line to line knot while sitting in a kayak, just remember this simple trick because it can significantly help you have better control and comfort while tying the FG knot.
Best of all, this little trick requires nothing special… just using what you already have in front of you.
And to make it as easy as possible when sitting in a kayak, also be sure to have a rod length of line from the rod tip because that gives the most effective angle for tying the knot.
Do you have any questions on tying this powerful knot? Let me know in the comments.
Tight Lines.
Related Article: How To Tie The FG Knot [Free PDF Guide Included]
Go To Our Knot Testing Homepage [Full Knot Rankings]
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Great videos. I will use that through the eye trick. I’ve arrived at using a pair of hemostats with about a 2 oz egg sinker taped to one handle clamped on the braid. I prop my rod up beside my leg or put it in a rod holder. Fishing from a small boat though not a kayak.
Sounds like a good alternative to putting line in the mouth.