Why You Should Target Oyster Bars This Winter

Why should you target oyster bars this winter?

If you’re not fishing tight to oyster bars when super cold temperatures roll through, you won’t get bites.

Learn more below!!

Why You Should Target Oyster Bars This Winter [VIDEO]

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As winter rolls in and colder temperatures hit our area, oyster bars become a point of major interest.

Oyster bars provide instant heat sources for fish looking to warm up.

As the sun rises, oyster bars soak in the warmth and act like little ovens to heat the water around them.

Fish feel more comfortable in these areas and as a result, more willing to strike.

If you’re out fishing this winter, look for oyster bars if you can’t get any bites!


In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.


These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.

➡Weekend Game Plan Lessons


This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.

➡Smart Fishing Spots App


The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.

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Jacquelyn Puglia
5 months ago

Hey Matt, thanks for the video/tips. Do you have any tips on how not to get your lure snagged on the oysters? Best way to get unsnagged?

Steven Free
5 months ago

And you know what Matt I learned this long before becoming a saltstrong member back in 17 then a lifer in 18 and if you think about it its kind of comon sence to fish around oysters in the winter when it’s cold because it not only heats up the water maybe a couple degrees more but its also some of the best structure and bait magnets that exist in any inshore waters so one would be a fool not to fish around them here in northeast fl where we are void of clear water with potholes and seagrass beds oysters and shoreline grass with points and docks are pretty much all the structure we have in jacksonville st augustine area of florida and if your not fishing any of these structure areas you might as well go golfing because your odds st catching anything worth catching is very slim to none I fish oysters alot especially in the winter months unfortumatly my girlfriend who I used to take quite often now is not interested anymore about inshore fishing used to get scared and or frustrated when she would snag her lure on oysters and I would often tell her if your not getting snagged once and a while especially while fishing around oysters your not in an area where your lure needs to be in other words getting snagged especially around oysters is pretty much excepted because that’s where not only the predatory will be but the bait there looking for as well thanks for the info and all you do😉👍


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