Weekly Newsletter: 1-19-20
Happy Sunday Salt Strong Nation!
Were you able to get out on the water this week and catch some fish?
We had an eventful week with lots of sheepshead, snook, trout, and redfish.
And we even donated $4k worth of camera equipment to the Gulf of Mexico!
What’s the most valuable thing you’ve lost in the water?
You’ve got an awesome newsletter coming your way today with tips like:
- How to catch more gator trout this year
- Where to fish during cold fronts
- How to prevent and remove wind knots
- And much more!
But first, shoutout to Insider member, Travis Schmahl for the awesome trout pic above!
Alright, let’s get into the newsletter!
P.S. Want to unlock the exclusive Insider tips? Click here to join us in the Insider Club.
Looking for the best lures for redfish? Then check out this new video where we discuss redfish lures, spots, and trends that applies to all redfish zones.
Wind Knots: How To Remove & Prevent Them (When Using Braided Line)
Nothing is more frustrating than having to deal with wind knots, right? Learn how to remove (and prevent) wind knots in this post.
Smart Fishing Game Plan For The Weekend [Jan 17th – 19th]
See what game plan to use to catch a bunch of fish this weekend based on the weather forecasts this coming weekend... cold front on its way!
How To Catch 24X More Inshore Saltwater Fish (Easy 10-Minute System)
Are you sick and tired of not getting tight lines every single trip? Then you've got to see this. Finally, a simple system to find good spots fast.
How To Pick Out The Best Bucktail Jig In A Store (For Any Type Of Fishing)
Want to know how to pick out the best bucktail jig in a tackle store? It can be overwhelming with all of the options, but this video will simplify the...
This Is The Type Of Spot To Fish When A Cold Front Hits [Case Study]
This insider report shows an excellent example of the type of spot to look for on those days when a cold front is just starting...
Where to Find Seagrass [Spot Dissection: San Luis Pass, TX Example]
In this video we will be talking about how and where to find seagrass in your area. Seagrass can hold a variety of life, so...
How To Catch Speckled Trout (Right After A Cold Front)
Want to know how to catch speckled trout after a cold front? Learn what lure and gear to use, how to find them, and how to entice these lethargic fish bite.
[Insider Q & A] Tips for Drifting Creeks, Flats, and Shorelines
Is drifting an effective way to fish an area? We had this question come in from Insider Fishing Club Member George Arndt and I will...
Having More Than One Game Plan to Avoid Getting Skunked [On the Water Report + Map Analysis]
My original gameplay on this trip was to target sheepshead, however that quickly changed when I came across a school of black drum. They definitely...
Inner Circle Live Video Lesson, Q&A, And Related Links [1-16-20]
This Inner Circle training video shows the latest inshore fish catching trends and tactics along with great Q&A Spot Dissections and lure retrieve analysis.
Targeting Speckled Trout In 2020 (With Capt. Matt Chipperfield)
Want to catch more (and possibly a world-record) trout in 2020? Capt. Matt Chipperfield shares loads of information about catching big trout, plus...
Strong Angler Of The Week: Alex Frey
Isn't it an awesome feeling to watch someone catch their first saltwater fish? This Strong Angler of the Week put a new friend on his very first trout.