Why 85% Of Americans Say They Dislike 64% Of Their Life…


This is one of the most disheartening facts I’ve ever heard…

A recent Gallup study revealed that 85% of Americans either dislike, hate, or are unhappy with their job.


When you consider that Monday-Friday is basically taken up mostly by our jobs (with just enough time to come home and eat before falling asleep to do it all over again), that gives those of you who are unhappy with your jobs just Saturday and Sunday off.

I guess it’s why so many people say “They live for the weekends…”

But if you think about that statement, it’s incredibly sad in and of itself.

It’s basically saying that any and all fulfillment in your life comes from the weekend.

My friend, that does NOT what God made you for.

HE wants so much more for your life.

Enjoy this episode and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Why 85% Of Americans Say They Dislike 64% Of Their Life… [PODCAST]


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David Lee Kalb Jr.
3 years ago

Thanks Joe, I needed that. I’ve been through a lot of negative in the last five years. Before hearing your pod cast. I read a book I found called, ” Shut up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life”…. I found it at a yard sale. The title just grabbed me. There wasn’t a price on it. I asked the seller how much, and was locked into a fifteen minute conversation about the book. How because of that book, the yard sale was the beginning of there new way in life. Afterwards, the person gave me the book. Ruffly the book says everything you did, just more aggressively. 😄

Paul DiLucchio
3 years ago

Hi, Joe
I’m retired now, but for many years I taught supervision and leadership topics at a major corporation. Among other workshops, I presented The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People seminars.
Be Proactive. Put First Things First. Begin With the End in Mind.
All “habits” that encourage self-development and self-fulfillment.
I haven’t read your book yet, but I’m willing to bet you found many of these same drivers that proved to be inspirations in your own life.
Good to hear that you not only learned those self-skills, but also put them to use!

Last edited 3 years ago by Paul DiLucchio
3 years ago

Thanks Joe – a great word my brother – I’m gonna turn off the boob tube more and do something constructive with my time.👍

Alan Todd
3 years ago

I really connected with your podcast! I have been very successful in my career but needed to hear this message of goal setting and looking at prioritizing my time each day.


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