Best Lures For Mahi-Mahi & Blackfin Tuna (And How To Troll With Them)
- By: Joseph Simonds
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Want to know what the best two lures for mahi-mahi and blackfin tuna are?
Today, we’ve got Capt. Mark “Hollywood” Johnson from and Danny Lange, owner of the Tackle Center in Islamorada, sharing with us the best lures for these fish.
Sure, live bait works great, but if you don’t have time to get live bait, or if you just want to keep it simple, then you can rig up these two lures, troll, and catch tons of dolphin and blackfin.
And whether you’re down in the Keys, or up along Florida’s East Coast, they’re proven to catch fish no matter where you are.
You’ll also learn:
- How to rig these lures for more strikes
- How to troll these lures (there are two different strategies, depending on the species you’re targeting)
- The best lure colors
- And much more
Let’s dive in!
Best Lures When Trolling For Dolphin
Dolphin love bright-colored, fast-moving lures.
Because of this, you can’t go wrong with trolling a hot pink or bright green dolphin feather.
If you’re chasing the birds (who are chasing the bait), as Danny says, drive your boat like you stole it and keep in front the birds.
Drag the feather at least 150 feet behind you and mahi-mahi won’t be able to resist it.
Best Lures When Trolling For Blackfin Tuna
Although blackfin tuna will hit the same feather that you use for dolphin (especially dark-colored feathers), if you’re specifically targeting tuna, you can use a tuna worm, also known as a sand eel.
The best two colors are pink and black, but you’ll want to have both colors on board to see what the fish are keyed in on that day.
And whereas the dolphin like to hit fast-moving lures, tuna prefer slow-moving lures.
Drag them about 100 yards behind the boat extra slowly through areas that are known to have blackfin tuna, such as the Humps near Islamorada.
You can check out the two videos below to learn more about catching tuna and mahi-mahi.
Best 2 Lures When Trolling For Tuna & Mahi-Mahi [VIDEO]
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How To Troll For Tuna & Mahi-Mahi [VIDEO]
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If you’re targeting mahi-mahi offshore this summer, you can’t go wrong with quickly dragging a bright-colored feather 150 feet or more behind your boat around a school of baitfish.
And if blackfin tuna are what you’re after, slowly drag a black or pink sand eel 300 feet behind your boat in areas known to hold tuna.
Have any questions about catching tuna or mahi?
Let us know in the comments below!
If you’re in the Florida Keys and want to book a trip with Capt. Hollywood and his crew, you can find them at
And if you know someone who’s itching to go offshore, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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thanks guys! how do you rig to your main line? would you add weight? thanks