The Top 3 Mahi-Mahi Fishing Mistakes [VIDEO]
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Secrets, Fishing Tips, Fishing Guides, Salt Strong, Offshore Fishing

It’s Mahi-Mahi fishing time!
Mahi can be one of the most fun fish to chase offshore. They’re aggressive and ferocious eaters that are great to eat and even more fun to fight.
Figuring out how to fish for Mahi-Mahi is definitely a challenge. Mistakes will be made while trying to do so.
To help you save some time, we teamed up with Peter Miller and Captain Q of Cutting Edge Fishing to tell you the top three Mahi-Mahi fishing mistakes.
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The Top Three Mahi Mistakes
In this section, we go over the top three Mahi-Mahi fishing mistakes, which are:
1. Not Watching Moon Phases
One of the most critical factors to summertime dolphin fishing is knowing how the fish will act through the moon phases.
You can determine how the Mahi are going to act by knowing what moon phase is happening the day you go fishing.
As we said before, Mahi-Mahi are aggressive eaters. If they see bait, they’ll eat bait. The moon phase plays a huge role in this.
Higher light conditions at night, such as during a full moon, will allow Mahi to see and eat all night long.
The full moon gives enough light to see bait fish at night, which allows Mahi to feed on them. This also means the Mahi-Mahi will not be actively feeding in the middle of the day.
On the full moon and days surrounding it, try to get out to the dolphin fishing grounds earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon. These times will be closer to the night time when the Mahi-Mahi are most actively feeding.
Knowing the moon phases and how much light the Mahi-Mahi have during the night will help you determine when the bite will be on during the day.
2. Not Being Prepared
A big mistake a lot of people make is not having their gear and bait ready to go by the time they get to the fishing grounds.
Always have your bait, rods, reels and any other gear ready to go before you get to where you’re going to be fishing.
If you’re going to throw chunk bait, cut your chunks the night before or before you leave the dock.
Have some squid on rods ready to cast to sighted fish.
Pre-rig your ballyhoo if you’re going to troll.
If the plan is to fish with live bait, get your bait ahead of time before your fishing trip.
The main thing is you never want to get into a situation where you run into a school of Mahi-Mahi, you’re unprepared and miss out on hooking up to any fish from the school. This is especially painful if this is the only school you run into all day.
3. Don’t Overrun The Mahi-Mahi
One of the most common mistakes people make while Mahi-Mahi fishing is running too far out and going right past some prime Mahi-Mahi fishing spots.
A lot of the time, people have picked out exactly where they’re going to fish because that’s where they think the fish will be or they heard there are Mahi-Mahi there.
They’ll run right past great spots like weed lines and floating debris that hold Mahi because they’re dead set on getting to their “perfect spot.”
Sometimes the best Mahi-Mahi fishing is 10-15 miles closer than where you think it is.
Fish smart. Be alert and keep the binoculars on hand to look for signs of Mahi-Mahi.
Weed lines, birds, floating debris — these are all great spots to find Mahi-Mahi. Don’t pass them up to check on fish that might not be there.
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The Top 3 Mahi-Mahi Fishing Mistakes Video
In this video, Peter Miller and Captain Q go over the top three mistakes for Mahi-Mahi fishing.
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Avoiding these mistakes will save you time when it comes to figuring out the Mahi-Mahi fishery.
These fish are fun and you will have a blast getting out there and chasing them down.
Remember, watch the moon, be prepared and be alert. If you start there, you’ll be gaffing Mahi very soon.
If you have any questions about these tips, let us know in the comments below.
Tight Lines!
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Whhat is the best wat to rig balllyhoo?
Very good information, Thanks !
How do you hook a live Ballyhoo ?