How A Fisherman Became A Fisher Of Men When Given 8 Months To Live
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Salt Strong Unchurched, Unchurched

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Fisherman Dan Floen was given 8 months to live after discovering he had stage 4 melanoma (skin cancer).
To say it quickly shifted his perspective on what is really important in life would be an understatement.
The great news is that he dove headfirst into Jesus, and fourteen years later he is still surviving and sharing his amazing story of healing, forgiveness, and faith.
He even published a book about his journey called, “Fisherman’s Apprentice” The Making Of A Fisher Of Men.
It’s the true story of how God used devasting circumstances (and incredible miracles) to shape one stubborn fisherman into acting more like a fisher of men.
Listen in as Dan shares his must-hear story.
Enjoy this episode and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
How A Fisherman Became A Fisher Of Men When Given 8 Months To Live [VIDEO]
How A Fisherman Became A Fisher Of Men When Given 8 Months To Live [PODCAST]
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Please make sure to check out Dan’s new book here.
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