Fishing Bridges With Live Shrimp In The Fall [Fishing Report]
- By: Tony Acevedo
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If you don’t know where the fish are and you’re just looking for some tight lines, then start by fishing bridges with live shrimp!!
It’s one of the easiest ways to head out and catch a bunch of fish and a few different species of fish.
Take a look!!
Fishing Bridges With Live Shrimp [VIDEO]
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Get 1/6 oz. Z-Man Pro ShroomZ Jigheads
Rigging The Live Shrimp
I was using the Z-Man Pro ShroomZ Jighead to rig up the live shrimp.
The first thing I do is tear off the tail of the shrimp.
Then, take the shrimp and slide it onto the hook like you would a soft plastic lure.
Next, slide the hook point through the end of the shrimp you tore off and continue to rig the shrimp on the hook shank.
Finally, the hook point and you’ve got the shrimp secure on the jighead almost rigged like an artificial lure.
Fishing Bridges
I chose to fish on the wind-driven side of the bridge so I was throwing my lure in an area with lots of water movement.
All you want to do is cast in between the pilings and let it sink down to the bottom.
Now, tighten up the slack in the line and wait for a bite.
Another way I like to fish around bridges is with a 2/0 Circle hook and a split shot weight.
The weight of the split shot will depend on where you’re fishing and the speed of the current.
I rig the shrimp the same way as described above just with the Circle hooks, with one slight difference.
Pinch the tail off of the shrimp and slide the hook up the back and through the body.
But instead of the hook point facing out through the body and legs of the shrimp, you want it to face out the top of the shrimp.
Rig the circle hook in the opposite direction you would the jighead.
You just never know what you’re going to hook into around bridges – which is half the fun!!
It’s as easy as throwing a shrimp on a hook and seeing what bites.
This footage was from one of my weekly Insider Reports that are exclusive to Insider Members.
Insider Reports are delivered to Insider Members on a daily basis to keep them informed on the current trends and fishing news so you can hit the water confidently and with all the necessary intel.
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Do you have any other questions about this report or anything related to fishing with live shrimp around bridges?
Let me know in the comments section below this article!!
Finding The Fish Help
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1. Weekend Game Plans (updated weekly)
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2. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes)
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3. Community Reports (live feed)
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Love catching sheepshead. Thanks for the video Tony. Great info. I use mostly fish a jig with shrimp, but I have used a split shot and hook with shrimp.
You’re welcome Joe!
So wich do you like better jigheads or using a circle hook? As you know I’m not a bait angler and you make it look to easy but I lack the patience needed for using bait as opposed to lures but that’s me when I did use bait and it was live shrimp it was on a popping cork and once in a while I caught a red or a trout and an occasional flounder but never on a consistent manner that’s the main reason I gave up on bait when it comes to fishing my patience lacks especially with bait and when I fish I’m always on the move and seldom in one spot for very long unless I notice alot of activity or am catching on a consistent basis but otherwise I’m moving but anyways like I said that’s me some guys only use bait I know several that fish in some of the places I fish anyways your the inshore guru that’s for sure thanks for the info and all you do😉👍
Tough to say! A jig head is convenient if you switch back and forth between live bait and artificial. You can use either one on the jig head without having to switch out the hook. If i’m strictly fishing live bait I will stick with circle hooks.