Hints To Look For When Following The Fish With The Tide [Fishing Report]
- By: Richard Thomas
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Here’s how to follow the fish with the tide and trigger more strikes!
A cold front just came through the area and the tide for the day was almost 10 FEET!!
Either way, we were hitting the water to see what we could find.
Check it out!!
Follow The Fish With The Tide [VIDEO]
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Gear Used On This Trip
- Rods Used:
- Fitzgerald 7’2 M Aqua Dream Series
- TFO Professional M 7’6
- Falcon Coastal Clearwater 7′ M
- Reel: Daiwa BG MQ 3000
- Line: 10lb PowerPro and 15lb Power Pro
- Leader: 20lb Ande Monofilament
- Hooks:
- Lures:
The concept behind this trip was to start out fishing flooded structure and drains in anticipation of the big tide coming in.
Then the objective was to get out of the strong NE wind and fish the outgoing tide in protected creek systems.
This plan would allow us to follow the fish as they moved off the flats and into easier areas to feed during a lower tide period.
Throughout the trip, we were switching between 3 different rigs: the NEW Salt Strong Mulligan Lure, the Slam Shady 2.0, and a live shrimp underneath a popping cork.
The Power Prawn USA and Mulligan have simply been crushing fish this entire week.
Hoss Helix Hooks were the MVP of the trip because they allowed us to fish way up into the grass with artificial lures.
Weedless presentations are critical for fishing creek systems during low tide periods.
If the fish are able to, they’ll move into the tall grass to feed.
Later on in the trip, we found one area filled with debris and structure that the redfish were just sitting in.
We caught a redfish on just about every cast!
Get the Slam Shady 2.0 Paddletail
The bite was slow to begin with but the key factor in sparking some eats was moving water and current.
A slip float with live shrimp worked well in the creeks while artificial lures had more success closer to the flats.
Please let me know if you have any other questions about this trip down in the comments section!!
Oh, and by the way, you can see the FULL Insider Report from this trip and receive weekly reports just like it from YOUR SPECIFIC AREA if you join the Insider Club.
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Finding The Fish Help
In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.
1. Weekend Game Plans (updated weekly)
These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.
2. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes)
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3. Community Reports (live feed)
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If you know someone who wants to learn more about how to follow the fish with the tide, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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When is the Mulligan coming out?
That’s the info I was looking for also!!
Should be early 2023 Francisco!
Kinda strange though because you listed the bomber as part of your lure arsenal I would figure that lure size would be way to big to match the hatch so to speak although during the winter these last couple years since gulp came out with a new 4 inch paddletail that I troll with for trout in the winter anyways just curious
I have been surprised as well, but I think the main reason it’s working in my area is there are still a lot of mullet present!