How To Save Time When Grouper Fishing (Grouper Rig Storage Tip)
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Offshore Fishing, Weekly Newsletter: 6-21-20

When you’re on the water grouper fishing, you don’t want to be wasting precious time tying up new rigs, especially if the bite is hot.
But grouper are some of the baddest and meanest fish down there, plus they live in areas of heavy structure, like rock piles, so you’re bound to get broken off a few times.
Because of this, we use this simple tip that lets you create a ton of pre-tied grouper rigs and store them without getting them all tangled up.
That way, when you’re on the water, you just pull off one of these pre-tied rigs (instead of tying a new one) and tie it onto your main line.
Check out this video to see how we store our pre-tied rigs, and learn our favorite grouper fishing rig.
How To Store Pre-Tied Grouper Rigs [VIDEO]
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All you need for this tip is a Cuban yoyo.
Mark will tie about 20-30 grouper rigs at a time (at home, before he goes fishing) and wrap them around this hand reel.
They’re attached to each other by putting the hook through the swivel, and then the very last rig has a rubber band on it that keeps the rig together.
As for the rig, Mark likes to use a fish finder rig.
He ties on an 8/0 circle hook, about 6′ of leader, then a swivel.
Before he attaches his main line to the swivel, he slides it through an egg sinker.
To save time from having to tie a whole new rig every time you get broken off, just tie a bunch of rigs before you go fishing and wrap them around a Cuban yoyo.
Have any questions about grouper fishing?
Let us know in the comments below.
And if you know someone who would love to see this tip, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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I was just thinking the same idea. Thanks.
I wish I seen this before I tried my own device. Massive mess! Great tip. Keep them coming. Do you prefer fish finder rig over knocker rig when fishing wreck? Thanks
you can also use swimming pool noodles to put your rigs on just cut what size of noodles’you want
Very helpful. More on near shore reefs on West coast of FL please.
I know this thread is a bit old, but just wondering why the outside rig with the rubber band is so long. If it’s only purpose is to anchor everything down, and you don’t want to take the rubber band off and use it, why not just put the rubber band directly on a hook or a short shot of line?
got mine in today and used it for the double snell rig. Simple tips like this are amazing, keep em comin
Thanks Matt! I have some others right around the corner
Thanks for idea! I use Cuban yo-yo for storing down planners. I like the idea for inshore, making Carolina rigs. Same idea just 20 lbs leaders and 2/0 to 3/0 circle hooks. I may use a plastic coke bottle. Thanks again
I store my planers, deep drop rigs, several different leader rigs, and everything else that gets crazy on the deck!