Legal vs Illegal Circle Hooks: What You Really Need To Know


What makes a circle hook a “circle hook”?

And what makes it legal?

What’s the difference between an inline vs. an offset circle hook?

Since some areas require the use of circle hooks while fishing for different species, knowing these answers could mean the difference between coming with dinner or coming home with a fine.

To make sure you’re following the law, check up on your local regulations and then watch this video to see what makes a circle hook a circle hook and the difference between inline vs. offset circle hooks.


Legal Circle Hooks [VIDEO]

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So there you have it!

The difference between inline and offset circle hooks.

Inline circle hooks increase the chance of you hooking a fish in the lips or jaw, which increases their chance of survival when you release them.

Have any questions about circle hooks?

Let me know in the comments below!

And please TAG or SHARE this with a friend so we can all use the right hooks to help conserve our fisheries.

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Carl Imler
2 months ago

Thanks, Tony, for clarifying the differences between the 2 types of circle hooks.

Patrick Clune
2 years ago

I’m seriously considering buying off set circle hooks and bending them for striped bass. I caught a striper years ago in the Delaware river on any old hook. I’m heading to the Hudson River and did my homework. ( I never even heard of a circle hook ) I can’t really find any on line they’re either octopus or off set. Not sure of the size I need. Trying to find a box with assorted sizes isn’t very good either. Any suggestions ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Patrick Clune

7/0-9/0 with live bunker hooked in front of dorsal works for me. If you hook behind dorsal the bait will swim down. When u get bit let it freespool for the count of five and smoothly engage the drag. Do not set hook!- but rather allow fish to hang itself

dennis r patnaude
4 years ago

never been here before but really informative thanks for being here and helping others
i will follow from now on.

Justin Rhymer
4 years ago

Great video Tony! Which circle hooks are legal fishing in the Indian River or mosquito lagoon or does it not matter?

Justin Rhymer
4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Acevedo

I gotcha. Which ones do you generally stick with for fishing inshore in these areas?

Justin Rhymer
4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Acevedo

I gotcha. Thanks Tony!

5 years ago

A hook’s detail is very small. However, it can make a big difference. Please spend more time talking about hook selection.

5 years ago

Tony, Great information. I did not know. Thank you, Tom Watts, Naples, Fl.

johnny curry
5 years ago

Are octopus circle hooks legal?

Russ Lacoste
5 years ago

You always have interesting and informative videos thanks. Russ @kayakfishingcharleston

Greg Batchelor
5 years ago

Good info Tony, thanks!

roy noblin
5 years ago

thank you as i did not know this


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