Popping Cork Experiment: Oval VS Cup Shape [Is There A Difference?]
- By: Matthew Lanier
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Oval VS Cup Shape Popping Corks Experiment: Does the shape matter?
With a storm brewing, I thought it would be a good idea to get out and test an oval popping cork vs a cup-shape.
Does one prove to be better than the other? What do the fish prefer – if at all?
Here are the results!!
Oval VS Cup Shape Popping Cork Experiment [VIDEO]
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Gear Used On This Trip:
Panhandle Big Bend Inshore Tackle Bundle
- Setup #1
- Rods Used:
- Reels Used:
- Line Used:
- Mainline: 10lb Daiwa J-Braid x8 Grand Braid
- Leader: 20 lb Ande Monofilament
- Hooks:
- Accessories:
- Four Horsemen Tackle Popping Corks
- Engel Rechargeable Live Bait Aerator
- Available through the Group Discounts Page
- Scent:
- Setup #2
- Rods Used:
- Reels Used:
- Line Used:
- Mainline: 10lb Daiwa J-Braid x8 Grand Braid
- Leader: 20 lb Ande Monofilament
- Hooks:
- Accessories:
- Four Horsemen Tackle Popping Corks
- Engel Rechargeable Live Bait Aerator
- Available through the Group Discounts Page
- Scent:
- Lures that Caught Fish:
On-The-Water Observations
I pushed up into a backwater creek with live shrimp and the two different popping cork styles to see what I could run into.
My goal is to find out if there is a difference in how each cork style performs AND if the fish respond to one over the other.
As far as rigging the shrimp, I used a Z-Man Trout Eye Jighead and slid the hook straight through the back of the horn on top of its head.
The current was whipping which meant the jighead would help keep the shrimp down on the bottom.
Right off the bat, the bite was on and it pretty much remained steady all day long.
I caught a few smaller redfish using the Oval popping cork.
Then I switched over to the Cup shape.
The fish were right up against the tall grass line like they were supposed to be.
The current is not as strong in these areas and they were waiting on bait to come right to their mouths.
Most of the fish were on the small side until I hooked into a really nice redfish using the Cup popper.
However, even at this point, it was tough to say one was working better than the other.
I noticed most of the redfish were inclined to race back to where they ambushed my shrimp from.
Meaning they wanted to get right back to the grass for protection after striking bait.
Both corks were productive all day as I was able to find fish all around me.
I used live shrimp all day and when I ran out, I threw the Gold Digger 2.0 Paddletail underneath the cork.
Overall, I found A LOT of fish on this trip.
The two popping corks performed well and did exactly what they were supposed to do.
Which one was the clear winner???
Find out the results of the Popping Cork Experiment
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All I know is supposedly the cup shapped cork is made for a more aggressive approach because the cupped end acts like a topwater chugged that really makes alot of noise as opposed to the oval shapped cork for a more subtle approach when one does not need the extra noise like when the fish are a bit spooky but a little noise maybe needed to attract attention I would say the oval would be better in winter when the water is clearer and the fish are alot spooking then the warmer months but I’m not a popping cork fan never really did anything on them I know they work I guess it’s just my confidence in them that males my success lacking in them kinda like live bait for me as well never was good at bait fishing either anyways thanks for the info and all you do👍😉
I definitely agree with those points Steven! That cupped shape is definitely more aggressive.
Thanks for watching buddy!
Great tip Matt!
Thanks Wyatt!
My man Matt, this is awesome! Thanks for the video. What knots are you using for the main line and leader connections? And from the looks of it you were using about 12ish inches of leader when rigging that shrimp, so is that consistent when fishing that 2-6 foot depth? Thanks again.
Hey Jamie! I use a Double unit for the main line and about 6-8inches of leader to the cork. This keeps the line from twisting around the top of the cork as bad.
I was using about 14 inches of leader, and that is because I was floating the shrimp in about 3 foot of water. If I was in something closer to 6 then I would have used one about 24 inches, but I don’t normally go longer than that.
Personally, if I need to be deeper than that, I will use a jig head.
Good questions! Thanks for watching!
Awesome, thanks Matt!
No problem, Jamie!
I REALLY interested in that combo paddle holder and anchor pin holder you’ve got in the track there. It looks like it could actually hold 3 items if need be. Could you tell me what brand holder that is ? Where I can pick one up ? I like that it’s elevated as well. I’ve got my paddle holder elevated via raised Yak Attack paddle holders but can’t do it with the anchor pin. It looks like you’ve got a holder that can hold a few items elevated ? Thanks for any info you can provide.
Hey Jim! I sent you a message, but that one if from Yak Gadget, and it is their Rod Stager. Good eye, and thanks for watching!