Strong Angler Of The Week: Billy Ackerman
- By: Wyatt Parcel
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So many flounder!
Insider member, Billy Ackerman, and his family recently went out and caught a total of 32 fish together, including 19 flounder, several black sea bass and sea robins, and a dog fish.
Now the Strong Angler of the Week award is all about sharing fishing with others and making memories that matter, and Billy definitely deserves that honor.
Not only did he and his family have a great day on the water during this most recent trip, but Billy’s been fishing with his family a lot and has become a much more consistent angler.
Check out the conversation with Billy and his two boys below where they share the story of their trip, their favorite catches, and how Billy has been stepping up his fishing game.
Strong Angler Of The Week [VIDEO]
Great job, guys!
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