How To Switch Your Spinning Reel Handle From One Side To The Other


Want to switch the handle of your spinning reel from one side to the other?

It’s pretty easy to do, but not all handles are made the same.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, you may accidentally damage the gears, so check out this video to see an easy way to avoid this mistake.

Plus, you’ll also learn a simple tip to make your spinning reel last longer.

Check it out below!

How To Change Spinning Reel Handle Sides [VIDEO]

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Step 1: Determine which side of the reel you want your handle to be

Most people like to hold their spinning setups with their dominant hand on the rod and their non-dominant hand cranking the reel.

Step 2: Take the side cap off to determine if the handle is a screw-on or bolt-on handle

This is important because if you try to unscrew a bolt-on handle, you may damage the gears.

Step 3: Remove the handle

If it’s a screw-on handle, you can grab the spool and unscrew it.

If it’s a bolt-on handle, you can just slide out the handle, but make sure there are no washers left behind.

Pro-tip: spray lubricant or anti-corrosion (I like CorrosionX) on the shaft of the handle

Step 4: Reattach the handle


spool spinning reel

Changing the side that the handle of your spinning reel is on is easy.

Just make sure to unscrew the side cap to determine whether or not your reel is attached via a screw or a bolt mechanism.

Also, keep in mind that you don’t have the capability to change where the spinning reel is on a baitcaster, so make sure you buy the reel you want in the first place.

Have any questions about changing what side your spinning reel handle is on?

Let me know down in the comments.

And if you know someone who needs to change their reel handle side, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Timothy Pickett
4 years ago

Is that a Sharky III?

Andrew Myers
4 years ago

That’s what I love about Salt Strong. There is truly something for everybody. Novices and experts alike. Good job on the tips Tony!

Steven Free
4 years ago

Wow I guess there are real stupid people that fish to me that’s a major common sence thing if you got to think before figuring that out Lord help you sheeeeese give me a break!!!!


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