Weighted vs. Unweighted Popping Corks: Pros & Cons Of Each Style


Which style of popping cork should you use… weighted or unweighted?

Well, it depends on what type of fishing you’re doing.

Are you using live bait or lures?

Do you need to cast far, or are you letting your bait drift into the strike zone?

These answers and other criteria will help you decide which one of these corks to use and that’s exactly what you’ll learn about in this video.

Check it out below.

Weighted vs. Unweighted Popping Corks [VIDEO]

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Unweighted Popping Corks

As a general rule, I like using unweighted corks with artificial lures.

This is mostly because you can tell what your lure is doing in the water.

If your lure is on the bottom, then the cork will likely be upright.

But if it’s up near the surface, the cork will likely be on its side.

With weighted corks, they always sit upright in the water, so you never know what your lure is doing.

This is important because if your lure is up near the surface and out of the strike zone, but you don’t know it’s there, then you could waste a lot of time not catching fish.

Another scenario I like to use unweighted corks in is when I’m drifting live bait.

These corks are better for drifting because they don’t have any weight weighing them down.

Weighted Corks

I prefer to use weighted corks when I’m using live bait, especially light bait like shrimp or small pinfish.

Weighted corks let you cast farther, and if you need even more weight, you can add a split shot to your leader.


how to catch big fish clear shallow water

Both weighted and unweighted corks can help you catch fish, but what type of fishing you’re doing should dictate which one you choose.

As a general rule, I like to use weighted corks with live bait and unweighted corks with artificial lures.

Have any questions about choosing the right popping cork?

Let me know down in the comments.

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Caden Kaufman
4 years ago

Thanks tony!


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