Birthday Paddle Board Fishing Trip To Hidden Lakes [Fishing Report]
- By: Sean Person
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How do you know when to ditch the pre-plan?
What signs warn you that you should adjust to the current conditions?
On a recent fishing trip, conditions on the water were not as predicted and the wind shifted.
Learn what to do in this situation below!!
When To Ditch The Pre-Plan
Overall, this was not a great trip but not a total bust.
The conditions changed and the pre-plan for this trip needed to be set aside.
The wind speed increased dramatically but I instead went ahead with my pre-plan.
A key takeaway is to prevent being stubborn and adjust your pre-plan to what is happening out on the water.
Additionally, don’t go chasing fish if you have already found fish.
Stay patient and adjust your plan according to the conditions and you will locate where the fish are.
When To Ditch The Pre-Plan [VIDEO]
Click here to see the Insider Report details from this trip
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You should always pre-plan your fishing trips, however, there may be a time when everything you’ve planned for changes.
In these situations, you have to adapt and adjust to the conditions and focus on what will get you on fish.
Do not be afraid to change things up and come up with a new plan while out on the water!!!
Do you have any more questions on when to ditch the pre-plan?
Let me know down in the comments!
And if you know someone who wants to learn more about when to ditch the pre-plan, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
P.S. – Want to know how to retrieve all the different types of inshore fishing lures in a variety of ways? Check out our Artificial Lure Retrieval Methods Mini-Course.
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