Why The News Is DEAD WRONG About A Decline In Christianity

The one-sided news media is at it again…

This time they have put their spin on “predicting” that Christianity will be all but dead in 20 years from now due to a recent survey showing that millennials and liberals were at all-time lows for being Christians (no shock there).

Listen in to find out why they are dead wrong.

Enjoy this episode and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Why The News Is Dead Wrong About A Decline In Christianity [PODCAST]


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Tom Burgee
1 year ago

Ligonier Ministries puts out a survey yearly on the “State of Christianity” – in it they ask biblical questions based on the theology – (I.E. is God real? Is there a Hell? etc.) on up to heavier hitting stuff like Homosexuality, and other issues. Its frightening to see how people are drifting from what’s classically known as Christian beliefs. Its great to hear how the Doctor prayed for you, and God healed on you (spiritually most importantly)

Tom Burgee
1 year ago
Reply to  Tom Burgee


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