This Is Why You Should Use Light Line When Inshore Fishing


This might be the most underrated aspect of inshore fishing:

Your line diameter.

Most people are using line that’s way too thick for the situation they’re fishing in, and it’s costing them lots of fish.

It’s harder to cast, makes more commotion in the water, and causes more wind knots than light line.

If you’re fishing around areas with heavy structure, like jetties, bridges, and piers, then yes, you’ll want stronger line, but if you’re fishing areas like inshore flats, creeks, coastal marshes, or mangrove islands, then you should be using line that’s as light as possible.

Watch the video below to learn:

  • the 4 reasons why you should be using light line
  • the best type of braided line
  • why lighter line can help you catch more fish
  • and much more


4 Reasons To Use Light Line [VIDEO]

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You might be thinking, “Tony, I fish for big redfish and snook, there’s no way I can use light line!”

Well, I’ve been using 10 lb PowerPro the past few years and I’ve had no problems landing 50-inch redfish with it.

Braided line is incredibly strong and a lack of line strength is usually not why you’ll lose a fish.

Plus, using heavy line can decrease your chances of getting big fish to bite, and if they don’t bite in the first place, you certainly won’t catch them.

Here are four reasons why you should use light line:

1. You can cast farther

If you can cast just 10 feet farther per cast, and you make 100 casts over the course of a day, that’s an extra 1,000 feet of water covered in one day.

That’s more than three football fields!

2. You can cast more accurately

Fish are often holding tight to structure, near a point, or in a pothole, so if you can accurately place your lure where you want it to go, you’ll increase your shot at catching fish.

3. Thinner line is more stealthy in the water

When you’re retrieving your lure, or you have a baitfish swimming on the end of your line, your line is moving in the water and giving off vibrations.

If the line is thicker, it will give off more vibrations, which the fish can feel in their lateral lines, but if it’s thinner, it will give off fewer, smaller vibrations.

4. Thinner line results in fewer wind knots

If you’re using light lures and heavy line, the line may double over itself as you’re casting, causing wind knots.

Check out this article to learn more about why wind knots happen and how to prevent them.


east coast snook

If you’re fishing relatively open inshore waters such as flats, coastal marshes, and creeks, you should be using line that’s as light as possible.

It’ll help you catch more fish because it’s stealthier than thicker line and you can cast farther and more accurately.

Plus, you’ll get fewer wind knots.

I use 10 lb PowerPro and have caught 50-inch redfish without a problem.

Have any questions about using light line?

Let me know in the comments below.

And if you know someone who needs to scale back their line, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Buster Hymen
1 year ago

Heavier line is easier to cast and gets less wind knots than thinner braid. Thin diameter line also tends to dig into the spool more easily than heavier line. I won’t fish anything lighter than 30lb braid, not that much of a difference in diameter than 10lb but much stronger

3 years ago

Hey Tony, I’m going to FL for my first time ever in April. Super stoked to try out some shore fishing, maybe to a charter. What’s the length of your leader you have tied onto the braid, also what knot? I’ve always gone with the double-uni. And do you have any tips for what baits to throw that time of year? I’ll be fishing the west side near Tampa, likely gonna bring some bucktails jigs, topwater spook / poppers, spoons, and definitely live shrimp if I can find it. Cheers bro

4 years ago

What if my reel has 22lb of drag. Idk what to put on it for big inshore fish like tarpon, jacks, and bull reds/blacks. I use a bg4500 with a medium heavy rod.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ayden
Luke Simonds
4 years ago
Reply to  Ayden

The drag tension should be based on the strength of the line use. Here’s an article that discusses the details:

John Hardiman
4 years ago


DW Wamsley
4 years ago

Hi Tony. I recently purchased a Kyak for fishing inshore water and since you are the person that I see in the Salt Strong videos fishing in the Yak I wounder if you could recommend a make and model rod that you are using. I will target redfish, black drum, speckled trout, and flounder.
Thanks as always, keep up the very informative videos

DW Wamsley
4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Acevedo

Hey Tony
I took your advice and went to the saltstrong products and I really like the St. Croix mojo yak spinning rod but nobody seems to know the availability of this rod. Any suggestions as to who I could talk to in your organization to find this out?
David W

Craig Schramm
4 years ago
Reply to  DW Wamsley

Hey David. I didn’t know about the Mojo Yak and purchased a standard Mojo 7 1/2′ MF for inshore in my kayak (I’m also new to it). Briefly…I love it. Great inshore rod and the length of the butt has not bothered me much.

DW Wamsley
4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Acevedo

Thanks Tony, just wanted you to know that the ST. Croix rods are no longer available

Gage Gordon
4 years ago

Great video Tony,

Two quick questions for you.
1. I’m in Texas and fish a lot of areas with oyster reefs. Do you still recommend the 10lb? I’ve been using 20 for the past few years and have thought that I could even go lighter but never want to risk breaking one off on the reef.
2. Do you still use 10lb with popping corks or do you bump up reel and line size?

Thanks for everything that you and the rest of the Salt Strong crew put out!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Acevedo

Are you using 10 lb main and leader in braid? Is this for any specific setup (other than what you mentioned about structure)? Thinking along the lines if you vary your setup for corks vs top water baits vs jigs.
Newer to saltwater fishing so trying to get a feel for how I should setup a couple first rigs and any recommendations you have for inshore fishing (surf and jetty). Thanks in advance and loving the site! .

Gary Rankel
4 years ago

You’re using too heavy a line, Tony. You need to try 8lb Suffix 832.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tony Acevedo

I/m really surprised. I’ve had no problem with it.

Thomas Moran
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Rankel

I usually carry a couple of rods with Power Pro 5lb braid, superb for casting small baits like a Slam Shady 2 or Ned rig. PP 10lb on the other 2-3 rods I take along.


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