5 Steps To Catch An Inshore Slam (Any Weekend Of The Year)
- By: Joseph Simonds
- on

Want to know the 5 proven (and super simple) steps to catch an inshore saltwater slam any given weekend?
Then you’re going to love this video.
We harp on and on about the 90-10 rule (90% of the feeding fish are in 10% of the water) because it’s the best way to catch more fish in less time.
A lot of people get it, but just don’t know how to apply that rule to their fishing game.
So what can you do?
Watch this video!
I’ve got Luke here with me and he’s breaking down the 5 simple steps to catch an inshore slam anywhere, anytime, and know exactly where the 10% is.
You don’t need to live in a fishing mecca (these tips work from Texas to Florida to the Carolinas), and you don’t even need to spend that much time going through these steps (it’ll take you less than 30 minutes).
So if you want to find feeding fish fast and catch more fish than you ever imagined, check out this podcast.
You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I recommend since Luke does a few on-screen demonstrations for finding good spots), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
5 Steps To Catch An Inshore Slam [VIDEO]
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5 Steps To Catch An Inshore Slam [PODCAST]
Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
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Step 1: Figure out the recent feeding trends
The easiest way to do this is to watch the Weekend Gameplan video that Luke or one of our other fishing coaches puts together every Friday for our Insiders.
This is the Cliff Notes version of how to find fish every weekend.
They talk about what they’re seeing on the water, as well as what the members from our community are sharing.
An important thing to note here is that it’s NOT about specific spots because fish move based all the time.
What it is about is the type of spots to find fish based on the conditions, including:
- Tide
- Temperature trends
- Wind speed/direction
And another thing to note is that information from the current week is way more valuable than looking back historically because the above factors change every day.
For example, if there was a cold front on November 9 last year, and not this year, then what worked last year on this date won’t work this year.
If you’re not an Insider and want to see this weekly gameplan video, click here to join us in the Insider Club.
Step 2: Figure out the conditions you’ll be facing
Once you know what the current trends are and how fish are reaction to certain conditions, it’s time to figure out what conditions you’ll be fishing in.
Although any tide and weather app will work, SmartFishingTides.com is easiest because it has everything you need on one page, plus it has the Strike Score.
The Strike Score is really helpful if you’re picking between a few days since you can just choose whichever day has the best Strike Score.
So once you’ve figured out a day, use SmartFishingTides.com to take note of what the tide and wind will be doing.
You can also look at previous and future days’ temperatures to get a good feel of how the wind and temperature are trending.
Step 3: Pick 3-5 spots to fish based on the conditions
Now that you know what types of spots to look for and what the weather and tides are doing, you can now pick a handful of spots that are likely to hold fish.
For example, if you know fish are holding in deeper water because the weather has been a little cooler recently, and you know you’re fishing a falling tide, then deeper creek mouths and deeper cuts around points would be great spots to look for.
Another example is if it’s really hot out, you’ll want to target wind-blown shorelines.
If you have an east wind, then you’ll want to fish eastern shorelines.
To find these spots, you can use both the sonar and satellite maps on SmartFishingTides.com.
Step 4: Ask for advice in the Salt Strong Insider Community
This is an optional step, but after you’ve done your homework, you can go to the community and ask for people’s input on some of the spots you’ve chosen.
For example, one of our members took a screenshot of Google Maps and marked four spots on it that he was thinking about fishing.
He posted it in the Community and got tons of tips from both our fishing coaches and people who’ve fished that area for years, and then had an excellent day on the water in a new spot thanks to their help.
This is what our Community was made for!
Also, this isn’t Facebook (we all know what would happen if you asked that question in some of the Facebook groups).
Everyone is helpful and encouraging because when someone asks a question like that, everybody benefits from learning from each other.
Step 5: Go fish!
So now what do you do with this game plan?
Go catch some fish!
Go make some memories with your friends and family on the water and let us know how you do!
Here are the 5 steps to catch an inshore slam anytime, anywhere:
- Figure out the recent feeding trends by watching the Weekend Gameplan video
- Figure out what conditions you’ll be fishing in
- Pick 3-5 spots to fish
- Get feedback about those spots in the Insider Community
- Go catch some fish!
It’s simple and proven and every time you go through these steps to plan out your fishing trip, you’ll get a lot better at catching fish.
If you’re serious about catching more fish and saving time and money, then join us in the Insider Club.
You’ll get:
- The Weekend Gameplan videos
- Access to our Community of over 17,000 anglers
- Discounts to our online tackle store
Click here to join us in the Insider Club!
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Another awesome video, packed with information. I have learned so much since joining and learn something every time I watch a video. Moved to the area about 4 years ago and transitioned to saltwater fishing from freshwater. My game has picked up by leaps and bounds. Love the Saltstrong community; the sharing of information is priceless. Well worth the price of admission!
Thanks not an insider but love the public stuff. I have over 3 notebooks jam packed with info from here! Thanks Luke and Joe!!
Thank you, Caden! I hope you’ll join us and the rest of the fishing fans in the Insider Club soon! If you like the free stuff, you’re going to love the Insider Club (plus all the tackle discounts)
I look forward to the weekend game plan every week. I wish it came out Thursday though, I try to get my weekends going Friday morning at twilight!
Great idea David! I’ll try to get that video and post done on Thursday night this week.